Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

OfSJnnttlf /gnDf4fJ((..J: Jg.f)· but did not fee, hearts b~t d1d not under-Rand, iiow there men committed finne and th~y did not feel it, or confider of it :. but this aggravated their wickedneffe, and not lef. fencd it. · Ufe of Admonition, to be acquainted with our felve.s, Vfl. fear day unknown fim~es ; were thy eyes opened, it may be thou wouldfl fee armies of lulls co~ing againfl thee out of t-hy own breafi:: Take need offelf-love and flattery, efpecially of hiding and covering thy finnes, that wilJ not profper long, God will fet them ·n order before thy eyes; what is not known now, will one day be maoifefted to all theworld, SERM. XXIV. / How and hj what means the (jrace of (jod~epi Cjodly menfromgro/Jeand· prefomptuotu Sinnes. PsAr;.tg.I~. Ktep ~Atk thy (ervAnt ttlfoft8m prefomptulmfins,let thtm, not have dominion O'fJtT me, &c. ALthough my purpofe in pitching on this Text was to make a further inquiry inc'o that depth of wickedneff~ whkh is is every mans heart,1 and to dire a the godly under their fad temptations in the confidcrations thereof; yet l cannbt but perufe the llf:lt verfe, which is another particular of Davids petition, arifing from the former fad complaint he . made ver.!~~ fo that it !IO~ld be unmercifull (as it were) to fe,P.arate \ ...