Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

r--- . 200 -of sinnes of tgn1rancu: fcparate theft two particulars fo nearly Hnked ,togetnerJ' Come we then to the fccond petition that David brcaketh out into fo heartily, from the ferious confideration of that ' unknOW:fl evil in him, which is in the Text, .ag.,inft prefumptu:. QUO finneJ, ' David is afraid fome unknown fparks of this fire may at laft break out into a terrible flame, thefe Cockatrices egges may for want of difcerning hatch 'flying :ferpents: So that as the former_petitioo was for pardon, fo this for power and ll:rength againft finne, Surely this Text, as it is a faithfull faying, fo worthy of all humble and trembling confiderati~ ons ;·for it teacheth the godly that it is not their power, their care,' theirinduftry, but the meer grace of God that keeps , them from moft prefumptuous and arrogant finnes : Its not a C~tin or a 9ud.u, not a monfter of men, that praies thus to be prefervca from daring and bold fins; but V avid a godly tender man, bewailing the fins he did not know ; how farre then would he be from wilfull,known finnes ? In the petition confider, 1. The praier. 2. The object: mat~ tcr of the praicr. 3· The modification or qualification of the matter, in what fecfe he defireth to be prefcrved from fuch finnes. 4· The confequent benef:ic and advantage. . · I fhall-take thefe particulars in their order : and firll of the prayer it felf, Keep me from prefumptuom finnes. That mercy he petitioneth, is, to be kept, to be preferved from · groffe finnes. The Hebrew word doth fignifie what aprocli· · vity and inclination there is even to the worft of finnes,ifthe Spirit ofGod doth not keep and rellraiu, even as the horfe without abridle, would rufu into all violence. So that it im– Flieth even the very godly have fuch untamed and unruly llearts,that unlefs, the Spirit of God put a bridle upon them, they would finne in a bold and prefumpcuous manner.. Obferve, Ob[er'Zl. . That its not thegodly -m11ns own care and ivdeavours do prc~ The meer ferve .him from horrible prefumptuom fins ,but Godsgrace meeriy. g~a~e of God DavidhJmfdf is a fad inll:ance of this, for although he thus ~~~l~ves :ven affeCl:ionatly doth here pray unto God, yet in the matter of from p:c~m- Vriah~ wether~ fee many groffe and deliberate counfels to ptu9us tins. accomplifu his dc:figned lults; oh ther,e the ·Philiftitm were , - - . - . - -. - - -- - . ~P~l.l