Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

. I . .' ---..~ ofSJnnes ,f TgnDr~tf&u. 2bJ · kednefs fo hainous, but an hardened heart 4ares commit it~ 2.5 - we fee in Pharaohand the Jews : And on the other fide, there is no fin fo lit de, but a tender hearc is afraid of it, as we fee ' in David, when hecut off Saub g4rment; and in_tbe' matter of that Water, he would not drink it, for which men bad _ jeopardea their lives; fo that ,thefe,is no fuch fure antidote agatnft the plague of all fin, as tokeep the heart tender; and apt to fed the weight 0f the leafi finne, for if littleones be a burden}how much more will greater ones be ? ' . · 4· Grace dBth preferve the godly from pre[umpttmu- fins, 6y 4d~ily quick.ztingandenlivening the pr;nciples ofgrace to the allu- By in_cli~ing al exerci[e thereof. So that while they are in conftant opera- t~e pnnctples tion, all fiBne and iniquity is fhut out. We have heretofore ~d~~i~~er~frco told you, that befides the principles of grace, inherentin us, · · there ncedetlt adaily exciting and quickning of Gods grac,e alfo, without which aman may commit great and grievous finnes, notwitbftanding that root within: Indeed its fajd, He that ubBrn of God, cannot commit ftn, becau[e the {etd ~thileth inhim, 1 John ;•9· but' that is meant of fuch ll3bituat~d ,nd rooted fin, that is incompatible with godlineffc, other• -Nife the feed of grace was in Dt~vidand Peter, notwithfianding that groffe gradual apoO:acy ; as there is hidqlen life in trees, though in the midf1:'of winter they feem d-ead : but when this feed ofgrac~ is quickned and fiirred up, th"':tfinne doth the more difficultly enter: The·ceffacion there ·ore or theOcep of grace, makes fuch a fad confufion in the hole man, IS Chrifts Oeeping in che Ship, did to the Ship. Hence we have 'Vavid pnying fo ofccn, that God would quit kffn him; when therefo-re the godly would bekept pureand free from every· arrogant tranfgreffion, let them pray, that tke grace of God may be breathing and alwaies blowing upon them; let them dcfireth_anbe Spirit of God may do chat to their fouls, which Eliah.sapplication of himfelf did to the dead childc, never leave till life :md breath come into them. While the fl:rcams of water flow and are in confialilt motion, they are preferued pure and clear, but when made a Ouggifh pool, then frogs and toads breed in them: The daily breathingof grace upon the hcrart, are like the winnowings of the D d ~ ~orn, ' I