Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

~6 ofSinnes sftgnoran-ce~ '2. 'i. Ged Joth lay ajfiiflions upon them tohumMe them and 'k.!ep ~y affiictif.lns. them low, an4 thu u 61. JPeciat help ag~tinfl Jimu. Before I W.u ~t.ffticted,IWent aftray,laid David,Pf. I 1 9.67. a ' dEvery branch in me, my Father purgeth, that it may bring for th more fruit, 1ohn i5. So that God doth hereby preferve h i~ p ople.from prefumptuous finnes, by daily chafiifement~ , by confiant purifying them in the fire, or purging themby wa..er; all the troubles and afflictions-which come upon d1em are for this very end to mortifie fin; they are let blood eocool them of hot fcavcrifh lufts. , . ; . 3• G6d k,tep.r them from prefumptuom ftnnes, !Jy removing the By keeping temptation.r and occafton.r thereu~to. Oh fhould,not Godkeep fram us tem- 'off the fnare from us, many a t1me would the godly mans foul ptations. be indangcrcd: Hence are we taught to pray fo ctfedually, that God ,would not lead m into temptation, for little do we know what lufi:s fuch warm bums will pn:fently inliven inus, It was a temptation of the eye did firll undo Eve, and in her all mankinde: I,t was a temptation that brought 7J~vid into the mire, rhat cafi: down Peter {o grievouOy; our he3,rts are asfiubble, when the fparking ~re of a temptation fats upon tbtm. Reafons why Now the ground why Gods grace, and not the godlymans a godly man wifdom or power, doth preferve him from fuch apofiacy, is, , ~~:f:tf ~~~~ Becaufe of tho{e reiique.r of!HftJ that do .fti/1 cleave to every re– prefumpmous generate man. This hair of Sampfon would grow again, agd flnnes. be as flrong as ever, if God did not daily help and preferve: 1. In heaven indeed there will be no need of this pecition,no fear B«~aufe of the offuch fins, b('caufe chat ltuxof blood will he dried up, but rdt~ues of !ia here as long as the nefi and womb of fin is, there will be lull:· left m them. ing and conceiving, and bringirig forth. We fee what con· I J v[c. / fi4ence Peter had ef his love and perfcveranre,yet be groffely fell, not knowing 'how quickly thofe fparks would break out into a fl ame; its grace therefore that kteps that old wound f(om.ieftring and increafing. ' U{e of Ex]lortation to the godly, Write afcer this copy which Vavid'h,ath fetus, Doth a man afcer Gods own heart fo affectionately\ pray againfi prdurnptuous fins? Take heed then that God dotb not leave thee, be jealous of thy fdf, ~c- , fire