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ofPnfomptuDm Sinnes~~ 201 fire the Spirit of God to be alwaies breathing upon thee; Into what dungeog maifi thou ' not fall, In what mire mailt thou n9t quickly be wallowing, if the grace of God uphold thee not ? Take heed of grieving this Spirit of God which putteth all life and firength into thee : When you fee men .grow fecur-e,loofe,and careleffeahout duti!:s, or fin,then think fuch an one is aTree removed from the waters fide, firfi~ his fruit will fall, and then his very leaves, firft his godlineffe, anal then the ·very profeffion and name of it. c$.~~$.~~~~~~~ ·$~~~~~~ \_ SaR~. XXV. OfPre{umptu~us ' Sins that Cjods Peo.... . pie fhould chieflypray againft. p sA' t. 1,. 13• vfndkeep me from pre{umptuous ftnnes that they prevail not fJvtr me. · THe ne"t thing in order to be confidered is theobject: mat~ ter of this Perition, viz:.. tfrefumptoous fins. · ' As in the verfe before we told you in the Originall was only fecret or hidden, our TranOators addefau/u, fo here in · the Hebrew is only prefumptuomor proud; .for many do tran- . Oate it, Keep me a[l!perbiu from proud and arrogant waies: Hence fome Commentators think the PfalmiO: fpi:aks of per– Cons and not of finnes, at if he did pray to he delivered from proud and arrogant pcrfons, that they might not domineer · over him, bu.t the context doth eafily confute this ; There– fore our Engli(h TranAators do well fupply jinnes for a Sub· fiantive to that AdjeCl:Jv~ pre{Nmptsmu, now w~at prefum- , p,tuous fins will appear in thepurfuing of the doClrioe,_wbic:h ,' i$·,,That though agodlymafl unnot bewithout finnc in this . life, ,