Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

' 208 Ol!ferv. of PrefumptMuo $imus. life, yet he isgreatly to be afraid of prefumptnous finnes, or rather thus) There trre fins of pre(umptionUJhich agodly m,m u ejpeciafly to pray aiidWatch P~gainfl ; Tbefe are fuch fpots that fhould not be in Gods Children ; and indeed it•s difpu– ted whether the godly can fal into prefumptuous fins,fo that they fhould reign over him, but this will appeal' in the fequd. What uns ara I fhall at this time difcover the nature and ·ingredients, or prefumptuous concomitants of prefurnptuous fins. . - , tins. · And f irfr,PrefumptuomJinnes 1tre H[ualJy committedagllinft Sins •· - . jHU and. -cle~tr k,.mrwledge and conviction tJf confcicnce: When commlt• . d . h . r. • d. c . d Th r. ted againii men are convmcc · m t c1r con,ctence :tn ·tn1orme , e1e full and clear 1thingi that I do arc finncs, I venture th~ damnation of my kno~le~ge '& foul by fuch unlawfull waies, this maA finnech prefumptuou- _ conf,t~hon of fly : Thus the finnes of the Pharifeeswere prefurnptuous fins con mnce. bccaufe they did obfi:inately rebell aga infi that clur light · Chrifi: difcovered, They could DOt: cell wh1t eo fav: .They were often convinced, and yet they would malicionl1y oppofe him, fo that ignorant and weak people are not fo apt to throw tbemfelves headlong this fitfp hill, as men of know– ledge and underfianding are; Oh that the ears would t'ngle, and the hearts tremble of all fuch who live in finne 'againfl: their knowledge and confcience, fo r i» not this the cafe of thoufand§? Who are fo blinded in judgemeAt, fo darkened in rninde, that they knew not t~~f.e groffe waies they live in to bt finne? Dvfi thou not know chou oughcfl: not to lyr, fwear, be drank, deal unjnllly ? and yet thou runnefr into / fuch bogs; I rell thee to thy rerrour thy .Gnnes are prefump– tuous finnes, ·Thou art a prefumptUC:lUS finn~r, Thou that_ _ knowcfi: the contrary, and thy confdence tells thee to the contrary, yet thou wilt violently paffe_ on, Worfe then Ba· l~t~tm in thii refpetl:, for he preffeth violently on, and though tbe Aff"e dared not go on, yet fiill he en·deavours to put for· ward, till he faw the Angel! with a naked fword before him; ' Now thouwilt in a brutHh and moll: unfavoury manner rplh into thy fins, though thou fcefi: the naked fword befo,rc thee, though thy cwnfcience difcover the mture and filth of thy doings, yet th~~ wilt J10t give ~yer; !~~a~ ~een ~ctter~~dft.