Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofPrefltmptt~o'm Sinne1; ·hadll never been-a man, never been born, the-n to be fuch a prcfuinptuous wretch; He that fznoweth hu l'lifaflers will, and dothit not, /half he heatm 'With manyftripe~, Luke I 2.47. Hell will be heated feven times hotter for fuch proud and arrogant finners as thou art. . 1 Secondly, The more 'Willfulntf{e_at~d re[olved de!i~eratirm . 2.' tpere is in jinne, thu m11kp it ~he more prefumpt~oUJ: Wb~n ;Ts ~omm.i:..; they cann~t pleade excufcs, brmg pretences, only they wtH f~n:;~~=i follow thetr lu(b, as thofe to whom reremJ preached, ex .. refolve& de!i.. horting them to turn every •ne frffll huevil \\?a): but they faid, beralion. No, They Weu/d Walk._ every one ll[ter the im11gination of hintwn he~rrt,Jcr.I8.u, What made thefinncs of the devilfo hai... nous that God did caft them for ever into chofe chains of ' darkneife? Even becaufc they were ltleerly willfuH in their finnes; They had no ignorance in rninde, no perturbation ' by paffions; There was no tempte.r to deceive them, as Eve bad, but they tinned willfully out of rnerr and pure choice; That Text Htb.Jo.I6. tl:ands like a Beacon on the hill to a– waken all : If We jnne wilfully after We have reueivcd the k._nowledge of the TrNth, Thtre remaimth no more f~rerijce for jinne, &c. 1know this is a.pplicd by magy to the finne agaiull the holy Ghoft, and fo it is very probable, yet it alfo pro– nth that aiJ willfull fmnes committed with refoluteneife and obfiinacy, arc of a very bloudy aature, and do endanger. ~he foul in a very high degree; And yet how frequent are cbefe prefumptuous·finncs, men !inning· meerly becaufe they will : The word is againft them, God is againfi them, Their own confciences againfl them, yet men will rebell and difobey how dear foever it co£l:ech cbem; This is the condicion·of marny of our hearers, look about you, fee if it b~ not meer will and ob!linacy that hurrieth many inco thefe bogs of fins, They willfullygo after the imaginations of their own hearts: . Our to,ngms are our own, 'Whr; ./ball controll us ? faid the Pfal– rnift Was the prefurn.pruous fpeech of fome wicked men 1 P fa!. I 2. Sins of ignorance and involuntary fins committed without or again!l: our wills , thefe cannot be called pre(um- - , ptuous. · , , , 3· T h a· · d !''- · dft d' d . Plotted and 3• _ .e mor~ premt rtatron, e :u~rauon~ ftn u ~f contrt• contrived iins. Ee v11nces