Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

210 of Prefompt#OuJ Sinnes, fiAIICtJ th.ereare_to ttccompt;{h fin, the more pre{vmption there u in it: Thus the Pharifees were prefumpmous in rbeir cruci: fying of Chrifi, for they plotted and contrived it: It was · the defign they had for a long whi!erog~ther; So ?o/ephs brethren finned prefa_mptuouOy agamft hm1, becaufe they made ic their bufine{fc; They confulted together how to be– tray the innocent: And on the other fid~ wbere menate fur– prifed f•ddenl5•, ~md they _are led afide by thofe finnc:sthty never intended, yea, tbcir purpofe' and pra iers were againft them, fuch do not fin prefumptuoufly ; Thus Peter, though his Apofiacy and F.11l was very dreadfull and terrible, yet becaufe it was a ft~dden fu rprife; It was that which the fix. ed purpofe of his heart was wholly againfl, therefore he did not fin prefumptu~ufly: Of a godly man we have no exam– ple of fuch premeditated and deliberate £inning, as in D11vid, we fhall fee him with all craft and fubtlety fiudying how to accomplifh mofl: groffe fim, which the nry light of nature would condem_n, and whenhe hath done them, we fee ~im covering and excufing of them; Here was nQ fudden fur. prife uponDavid: He thlt at another time faid, Hi& medita• tion W.u in the Law of God daJ and night, doth as often excr– cife hlmfclf in the lnfh of finnc: Many t imes length of daies doth abate the fury of a lufi, or there come in feafonable and powerfull confiderations, like Abigail to fiop David from his intendedwictcedneffe; but if a mando not let once,. but again and again the Sun to go down upon his wicked.. nefft 5 then this argueth the more prefumption in his wic– kcdnelfe. 4 .· 4• The 'lllore a man i&freefrom all pertHrblition ofpajfionJ, t~e The more fre- more{td~ttl 11ndcompofed he u, ;end)et willflret ch out his hanJ tr a man is to Wickplne.ffe;the more pre{mnption u'in that fin. Sinwdone out from paffion of paffion thongh they do not er ought not t· excufe, yet whhen he fins, theu dodiminifh from the arrogancyand prefurnptiPn in fin· t e more pre 4 • J d - · · famption is in mng: Thus A11ronsconfent tomakean I oiJ, though a gne· lh~~ finne. Y.OUS fin, yet beuufe over-power~ by the people, WaS the moreexcufable: MQfcs becaufe hrs tin was thr<ll:lgh paffion, G.od did forgive it, yec that it did nat excufe, is plain, be– £Jufe God would·.not Jet him enter into Ct~~nt~~~tn: Plltrs de- . ~ll