Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

of Pnfitmptllbtu Sinnt s. _ sI t 11iatl o(Chrill was in aPaffion of fear, bot J'RjM had ao par. fion uponhim, be was in a compof~d quiet frame, and yet through the lufis of his heart did manifdl: himfeJf fo wickedly : Confider then, the Ielfe p1ffion or perturbation there is upon thy foul, and yet thou art ready to fpit -thy venome; Thou wilt fiing though not provoked; Here is the greater ·meafure of prefumpfiou in thy ~·ebellion. - s. The more menJinne th~tt h~1n no extern4/l ttmptation either _J. of pleafures or urrourJ~ the{e have .the mort prefumption in When they tin their ftnne: As paffions and perturbations from wit hin, (o wit~i>ut tem~ externall temptations from without do ttmch take off from ptauons. the prefumptionin finning, for tbat temptations arc mighty · firong to overthrow even the godly as wtll as the l1ypocrite, appeareth fi>y that fpeciall direel:ion to pray againfr temptations and Gods fpeciall promife t() preferve therein. David in many externall temputians aod preffures that w~rc upon 'him, runneth into many unlawfull fhifcs , yea, Abr11h4m a:nd· Jfaac by an exteraall tempta tion diltembie and equivocate, becaurc of too much worldly fear within rhem: We readein Antiquityof rna~y Chrifiians ~ho grievoufly relapfed in the d.aics of tbofe IYioudy perf~cuttons, yet becaufc fuch apofh• cies were extorted b}' tyrannic1!ll violence, the Ordiodo:a: thought it their duty to receive fuch upon their repentance to Chrifiian felJowlhip and communion ; There is a great difference when a man Hn:ne~ from his own habituated principles in wickedneffe, ;u:td erom the over-powring f!)rce of fome importunate temptation : .A. temp1:ation depriveth a man for ' the time of hi!J ow..nfelf; He is not tlte man he was, like No– .ah overwhelmed with too much wine, he knowet b not what he doth: Yau fee Iron by the fire may be put out of its hard and intractable nature, you may but it into eh i-s form or that form; And fo it is here, even the moff uprigfie and t(uehcarcedgodly man may b'e quite pll~ out from hi~ genuine 6. and crue difpofidon, by fome enticing. or terrifying rempta· When a.man tion"~ · _ fins agamft 6. Th~ mort tl manJinneth againfl ex vr f{e -ttdmonitionJ, com~ cxpr~~e add d f h ,:: , _. h' momttons, m.m ment r, <ln reprtJ!J s, t emore pre} umpraouJ J~e u sn tJ fin· c:onimandsand 11 ing: Such an one cannot pleade, that: he b::td none to wun reproofs; ' · Ee 2 him