Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

212 .bf Prt(iJmptuom Sinnes~ him, none to infiruct him, and therefore when he finneth he hath the ldfeexcufe; What made Sauls finne in facrificing. ·and in fparing the fatteft of the ij>oiJ, fuch a prefumptuous fiane; That it's fatd·to be rebellton in a fpeciaJl manner, and fuch rebellion as was worfe thenwitchcraft? was it not be– caufe S amue( had given himexprdfe commandment to the' contr 1 ry? fo that tbe more powerfull admonitions, inltrutl:i– ons, and reproofs thou hafi to the contrary, the greater is thy ·pr.efumption1h difobeying, Deut.I.43· The people of 1/raeL ; • 1 ~L· I. are there charge~ for th~i~ rebellion, and that they ~entpre– .:;:. : ; .. fumptuoufly up to the hill, and why fo? whtn God corn- . · manded them not to go, and fight againfi their enemies, they would go, but Mofes bid them they fhould nQt, yet fQll all. this exprdfe prohibition, they went prefumptuoufly, an& fmuted for their foolifh rebellion; fo that what herefie is in matter of doctrine, the flme is prefumption in matter of, praClice. Afcer the firfi: or fecond admonition, an erroneous perfon manifefi:s him(elf to be heretical~ obfiinate and felf· willed : ,And thus it is bere; tAfter feverall teproofs and in•, firutl:ions, if thou fiill perfill in thy wickedneffe, let thy finne be never fo little, thou linnefi: prefumptuoufly in fo do-– ing; fo that by this it appeareth, all thofe W'ho live un<icr the powerfnil preaching of the word, where fuch finnes as the audicory arc moll guilty of, are conllantly reproved and condemnrd, fuch finners are prefumptaous finners: Oh confider this and tremble, all ye who have heard thofe par• · ticular finnes, thofe very lulls, thou livefi: in, particularly mentioned; there is not a Sabbath day, a Sermon fcarce but brings thy finne to remembrance; know t~o.u, that thou fin· nefi prcfumptuonOy, thou hateft reproof; Who is the Lord, or his i:nelfcnger, that thou thou ld regard him ? Oh beleeve it, Thou wilt finde ~o excufe for thy felf; God will· judge tbe.e as a preft~mptt;~ons finner: Thou arc a prefumpcuous ' drunkard, a prefumptuous curfer and fwtarer, for chefe. things have been often reproved and yet thou hafi hardened thy ~eck: Take heed lefi after this very Sermo~ and noti!ie · thou hall: had,prefamption.be not in,an.highermanner laid to thy charge.