Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

·2 Ni- . o{Prefomptu~u:s Shmes. vain aridfatfe hopes: Is it not enough to be fuch a bruitith finner, fuch a. notorioas rebell to God, but thou mufi add prefumptuous thoughts to all thete things, faying it ihall be well with thee howfoever? Oh clo not thefe abhominable ·things io fuch a prefumptuous rrianner. . _ 8. 8. Then men Jinnc pre[umptHoH.flJ, ~hm notwithftanding ·- When men Gods judgements are Hpon them, yet they care not, bilt proceed. proceed in "Wick.§d!y in their waJe.r: and this mull: needs be a fure difco• :~~:~~~~~~. very ofprefumption; for if while the rod is upon the b'ack, din<> Gods and the fmart is fel r, theywill perfiCI: in their rebellion, wha-t judgements hgpe can there be,wben the fcourge ismoved? Thus PharAoh are upon them. was an arrog ~nt prefumptuous. finner, for though God-did , feveraH times in fuch adre:~dfull and unufuall manner puniih him, ytt he will not Jet the people go. Thus Ah4t was a preiumptuous filliler~ becaufe undfr all :his"calamities, he yet added to his wickedntife; therefore the Scripture faitq, ThiJ u that Aha-?:., 2 Chron.2o.n. tha t prefumptuous incorrigible – finner. Oh then judge of your prefumptionby the affiittions God layeth up0n you: If thou hafr been often chaltifed, the hand of God barb been Ll !-JOn thee feverall ~ayes, yea yet his ha-nd is firetched out fiil1, and thou for all this doe!l: not care for thefe b.lowes, art not afraid, but nntureft impu– dently upon thy finn~s ; then kcow,thou art arrived tOlUl high degreeof. rebellion ag;dnft God. , · 9 , .9· When m:n hAve a long While accuftomed them/8lves to 1111} When men Jinfutl \~ay. fo that now they arc root~dttnd hahituatedin it, this are habi: umd makes them fin m prefmnptuoufly: Then they are become black· to do wlcl!ed.- more' that c nnot e;,.fily change their skin : when thf devil lyh, th~ makes hath poffeffed them from the youth up, then it mufi be t em un prel f, 11~ 1 h d'fi rr. rr. · fum);'tuoufiy. roue 1 ~mng .an(l pray~r t. at. .can 1 pouc:ue ~I m; 1uch · moumams are a lo.:lg whtle drggmg up and removmg atvay: finne and the devil do by degrees ftrongly harden men; that as the devil poffeaing :the bodies of men, filled them Wtth boldndfe and prefumption, making them runne into rhe fire and cbe water, thus w,hea he filleth the heart of a wicked man, he maketh him bold to commit the vilefi and moll; abho~ minablecrimes. . to. Then men are Lafily, Thenmm ~tre prefmnpumu jinner.t, When they bot!J lt14d