Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

Of PrejumptffiUJSiltnei. and ~r~tg of their iniquities. As Sod(Jm ar1d @«-morha did prefumptuous proclaim their irn pi etles, and rheljr~£elites w re net afhamed fi nncb when when they h:;.d done evi l,but made lht:ir foreheads like bratfe. b~aey f~afih ~nd Ta.. h h . d b S I b , . d I go ' t cJr , uus t e w ore Js ma e y oomon to e an 1mpu ent pre- fins. · ~ fumptuous fi nner : And are there not many fuch hoggs and doggs, for to fucb the Scripture comparetb them, that at noon ·day will tumble in thei r mire? They have Jofi all flume and modefty ~ drty boafi of their ungodlydeeds: they make amockof theidinnes: they laugh at and defpife aJl admo· nition. - ' Vfeof InfiruClion; Let it be thy fear,thy care,tby prayer, not to fall into prefumptuou~ finnes: How terrible and dreadfull th is is, will appear by the next. In the mean time, know that all you who Jive in the cufiomary commicciog of all known groffe finncs, and that under the light ofthe Go· fpel, you finne more or leffe prefumptuouf1y; you cannot plead ignorance,temptations,p,affions,but i,ts your habituated, rooted wickednetfe, that driveth ycl! thus headlong: Ifyou had faith but like agrai nofmufiard-feed, it would mak~ you · other meo: you could flOt htar fo much, know fo much, be convinced fo much as you are, and ye,t commit fuch finnes, but that high prefumption doth reign in you. Well : at the dayofjudgement, ot it may be in this life~ whenGod fuall fet thy finnes before th~e; that lofty, proud heart of thine will fluke like aleaf. S :s :a.x.