Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

• Ingredients, I• Pride and hat._tghtine!fe. ofPrefomptuotu Slnnes.' la~al&~~•~a~~-~ai~ SERM. XXVI. ~he Ingredients and Aggra'lJation! of Pre[umptuous Sinnes. PsAL.I9.l~. t:.And keep ~~~;k thy forvttnt ftom prefomptllll# fins, &c~ YOn have heard whatare prefumptu~>ns finnes, and when men fin prefumptuouOy; let us now confider the ingre– dients er coneomitant difpofitions of thofe who do thus of. fend, bccaufe fuch bitter ·fireams COUld AOt flow but Jrom I bitter fpring: It is aprave and ill-difpofcd heart that breaks out into fnch proud and arrog:mt actions; you may indeed fee the outward converfation of this prcfumptuous finner, and lament over it, but the inward part of that man is farre more :~.bominable: were his heart' and inwards difcovered thefe would be more vile, and horrid then any out;Ward tranf. grcffions : And r. A notable ingredient to prefumptuous finning, is, Pride and ha.ughtintf{e of minde ; . thefe can never be feparated, pride and prefumption in offending. Hence the Hebrew e:xpreffi· on to finne prcfumptuouOy, is with an hand and heart lifted t~p; as if they would fay, Who is God, and what is he that we £hould regard him ? Thou couldfi never act fo much wic– kedneffe in fuch an obfiinate way ; did not t-hy fopl fwell ·with pride, as the toad witb poifoa. The Scripture doth ful– ly tefiifit this, Ifa. 9·9· Thofe that would build themfelves houfes in defpite ofGods judgemeQU, and wl1ether bewould, or no, as it wore, did intend to exalt themfelves : All that · - · - -·-- · - - - - · they --- ~-~- --