Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

. OfPrefomptNOtil ~Siimei. , they faid to this. purpofe was in the pride and fio~tneffe of their heart; fo again [ercm. 1 7·17· where che ·Prophet plain• Jy and powerfully preaching mlto them, faith, IfJe Will not hearl(en, my foul foalt Weep i1~ fcqret for your pride, that was the caufe and fountain of all. If therefore i-t be asked, Why is it, fuch men, rhough they hcu fu much, know fo much,nn- ' derfland fo much, yet will not 5umble rhemfelves and fubmit ,to Chrills commands? it is becaufe of their pride and lofti– ntffe,they know not how to ftoop and J'ield unto God. Thus D,m. 5.;.o.Thc Kings hent is f1id to be hartkned in hupride. ·I z. 2. Hardmjfe ef Jmm and fenjlefne.f[c, that is another c1ufe of prefur.nptnous !inning; for what do fuch fear what re– firaint is l:sid upon them? they have no bridle-eo keep them back: This is called~ feared co'rljciencr, I Tim+z, that feel– eth no pain; fuch are faid, Ephef~J. 1..9 to be paft fetling: Now HardudU: of • hean. a man that can feel no pain, 1f you lay firebral'!ds to his naked fle!h, he careth noc; Tbtis it is ''tch me_n prefumptuouOy offending, difcover unto them all ~nth of God, cury them tO tht: very brinks of hell, bid ffi n. fee and hear alJ the -how-lingand raving of p€rfons damned there, yoa move them not '3t aB, for they are pall: feelill£; thefe are ldol·finncrs; that .h~ve e]ts and fee n~t, hearts" nd tmdt'~'ftandJ!Ot. ·2 Pet. 2.10. tbofe perfons that are called prefumptuous, are f:lid to -. be alfo like bruit beafts, that underlland nothing: And ~re there not many fad obje·as of th-is nature every wbere? they· art no more apprehenfive or fcnfible of their fins, and the ter– rible aggravatio_ns of them, then the very bruic bealls are: they get nomore good bya Sermon, they are as llupid, and devoid of all underfl:anding: Oh its no marvell thou makefr fuch a fport and delight in thy fin~, that thou bidil thy felf' tat and drink and be merry, aad take thymirth in this world, for thou an br:come like a bruit beafi, not only in thy ~!thy. iinnes, but in thy groffe flupidity : where therefore we fee a · people, though great !inners, yet trembling at Gods Word, melting' and ready w cry out becaufe of Gods threatnings, here is fome hope; bQt of all men thofe arc moO: incurable, who are bol_d and· prefumptuous to commit any groffe wic– kcdndfe, and yet h,ave no terrour or fen-'e a.Pout it, J:f_ • ;,Scorn I