Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

21& Of PrefumptuoiU Si11nes~ 3• . 3• S~~YH and derijion ofa/1 reproofs t1111d Who/e{ome aJmomti• Scornand' de- ons; This willalwaies accompany a prefumptuous finner,fucb rifton of all re- were thofe fcoffe.rs and deriders that Peter fpeak's of,z Pet,3·3· p1'oof. · who fa id, Where i& the day ofhi&coming ? do not all things continue .u they Were ? Its not rnoug·h 'With them_ to finne~ but they make a mock and jcar even at the very Scripture, and the powerfull .difpenfacion oftbofe rrurhs therein. Thus the Pharifees, who finned with fo high an ha~d, they defpifed and fcorned at Chrifi; and the Prophet complaineth of thofe fwrners, that mocked the Prophets with Jhe lmrde.n of the Lord,the burden ofthe Lord,becau[e tbe Prophets ufed it fo of– ten,Jer.23·34· As wicked men now adaies will mock at the name of hell and damnation, &c. becaufe they hear of it f() ofc.en; thefe are fwine,that when men throw a pearl eo themt they rife up,an4 tear the perfons who do it: Oh take heedof fitting in the councell of thefe fcornen, God will one day laugh and mock a.r their ddlrutlion, as Prov. I. ~ 4· Cfmtempt ofGodandman; this is involved in prefumpcuC 4· f ous finnes, Contempt ofGod ; for wherein can they manifetl G~d~:l~~n. their defpifing .of God and his commands more, then know- . ingly and wilfully to do contrary eo what be would have them? Goa told Ely, hedefPifedhim, and honouredhi&{onneJ, 1 Sam.22.29. more then htm, and yet we cannot fay, E(J finned prefumptuoufly ; how much rather then may we_ fay of bold and obfiinace finners, They defpife God, and tHey ho- , nour their bafe lulls before him ?Numb. I 5.30. the man that doth ought pre/umptuoujly, is fa id to reproach God: , There is a kindeofblafphemy againfi God in'every prefumptuous finne 1 fometimes ver~all with the tongue, hut alwai cs reall wirh · the hand: Oh chat t hou fho aldfi not fear fome remarkable and aftonithing judgement iliould furprize· tbfe, for thy drunkenneffe· is not only drunkennelfe., bm it's blafpheming, drunkenneife, becau fe commitred 1obo!dly; ~ t$ a n:proach ·· and acontempt p~1t UfOn God,and God cakes it fofromthee ;. Oh ifrherewere but fparks and a gr~i n of any grace or rno– defiy in'thee, thou Wr!uldll not iodure to be fucb a fon or I Belial. There is alfo co.ntempt of M"t: n, for t hey hear no re· .ijlcdc_o them, though they know fuch wilfuH W!cked.neife doth