Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

of Pt..efomptnl'!' Stimes~ 2 E9 doth grieve the godly, aliiet the heart of the godly Mini..: fters, though their ex1mples incourage,othen, and draw many to bell with themfelves, yet they contemn all thefe thing~: Ohconfider, that the wicked thaiJ one day r~fe up-to ever:– , bHing reproach and contempt ; then God and the holy An– gels, ye~ all the world,fhall reproach and contemn thee, as ORe adjudged to everlafl ing wrath. , 5. There u commonly {ecHrity ~elfo in pre[ttmptuom ji~JneJ. , S· Men applaud and bleffe themfelves, .cheir hearts are clofed Security.~ with fat neffe, all things are as they would defire, J!ihil infelicim homine [emper felici. And thus their great uhha:ppinelfe lieth in thtir happineffe : This made the Pfalmifi fay of · fuCh, Theygo d9wn quickjtJto thegrr:~vt, becaufe their deflru– -ction is fo fndden and unexpected, awhirlwinde taketh them away, wbile they were fporti,ng themfelvcs with,finne, Thus the old world was faid to have corrqpted all its waies -before God, Genef.6.I I· that is, in the very face and eye of God, they did not fear nor dread his power, :md then the flood came and {wept the111 away, while they were eating and drinking, living in all manifdlations of fecurity : Thus pre– fumptuous finners are faid to mak! a covuumt \vith htll and de~~th,Ifa. 28.15 .as ifthefc ili<?uld not hurt them ; and indeed a man could never be brought to fin prefumptuouGy, were not the thoughts' of death, hell and1the day of judgement quite firick~n out of his minde: Take tbc.o bridl'e out ofhis mouth,· , and he will runne headlong any ficep hill. ' LatHy, In prefumptuom Jinncs, We attrihute mnch ttJ our 6. o'l?iln thoughts, our own..:~pprehenjions, not htleeving theScripture: ·Attdbuting And this is cfp ·(ially feen in thofe prefumptuou~ fins which much to our are in matter of opinions and doCtrines concerning Rdigion; owdn chouhghrs r: fi k h 1 h .rr. , h an apprc en– aor you mu now, 7 at not onry t t gro 31 e prop ~ane jinner, !ions, not bemay fin prefumptt1oUJlJ, but the falfe prophet, the falfe tracher, lieving the • the herctique, he Jinneth prej umptuoufly, becaufe he doth bold- Scripture•. ly and impudently vent that for Gods truths, which,are no– tli ingbuttheimpollures ofhis own heart. Deut. 16.22. ·cne ftlfe prophet that foretold that which GQd had not revealed to him, is faid to j}mtk.. pre{umptuon~y . Tht:)s I Pet.z, Thofe falfe tea.chers that,bring in damnable herelies, are calledpre- . F f ~ (umpwom