Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofPrefomptuoHJ Sinnes ~ /ttmptuom ·ttnd /elf·willei: And no wonder ifthis be called a prefumptuons finne, for wh~t cm be grelter impudence. ~hen to counterfeit rhis Div;ne Coin? ro take aw:~y the Jive-childe 9 and put a dead one in the room ? to make our own fancies and carnall ftiggei't1ons, div:ne revelations and infpirations? God would h:t ve the btaft char touched the mountain eo be fio-ned to death: but greater is thy prefurnption, ~he!4 thou 11'Mktft thy own th9ug1Jts and opinions the Word of God, -and tiiy ownWill a l~twand aBible to thy !elf. 7· We might ad de another ingreditnt, which is, fhamdefncf[e !hamelefne{fC! and be!dnej[e, to have foreheads of braJJe and iron, but that and bo!dneffe. hnh been roudJC!d on already. The aggravaIn the nnt phce let us confider the aggravationof chig pretions of prcfullllptuous finne : Knd · . fumptueus Gn. I, its adaring, 11nd a; it \\'tre, !Jraving God, provoking him I. todohu U 1 orft, \\•hat cart thtJ: Therefore the Hebrew exprtl:. Its a daring fionfor a finne comrnitred prefumpmouily i,, Befr;re the Lord, God to do his · wodl. Nimrod \\'Mamighry Httnter brfm·e the Lord, or in the face of.: theLord. Gent{. 38.7. Er, 'ludahs ddeft fon, was Wick.£d in the Ji.~ht of the Lord, and the LGrd ~~ w IJim: Its not fa id wll;,r: his finne was, Cornm€ntators have fever al con}echues; but that phrafc dtnoteth, he was a bold, prcfempa10us, impu· dtnt firmer. Amonglt men its accounted great prefumption in their inferiou ts, if they offi:nd while their fuperiours look on them, they care not though they fee them: Ob then let thy heart be at laO: fil.led wi•h terror and amnement for thy wilfull wickedndfe :, Do you think God is an Idol God, tlut bath eye• and not fee thee_? h he not able to be avenged on thee for thy reproach and comempt thou ddhonourell– him by ? I Coroi o. 22. Do U'e provok_t the Lord to jealouJie? are \Ve Jlronger then he? Its no dallying or jelling m:mer, tbus to fiirre up the wrath of 'God a-gainfi thee; for if God hach– b~en fo terrible againfi fins of infirmity and paffion or fudden· temptations, a.Qd that in the very godly, aswefeein Mo[es,. D11vid, ELy, and V.<:.z.ah, howwill his fierce anger break out implacably aga~nfi thee, a darir.g and impudent firmer? Oh cot:~fi~er thtfl, how provoking and imbitteringyour prefum– pdons.-are ofGod ag Jinfi,yo,u. '2oln