- of1refompt119tu Sl11nes. ;: In the old Ttftam!nt there W.u ne facrifiu appointed f()r WilfuUandprefumptuom fins ; and that the Apofile alludrth onto, H(b. ro. when be faith, If We fin 1\•i/fHily, there re– fiUlineth nomore facrifice for fin: This 1fay alludeth toNum. 1 s. where after the facrifices prefcribed for the finnes of 1!!:– norance, he nameth none for prctfumptuoo~ finners, ' but fuch mufi be irnmediatly cut off; not that fuch tinnes upon repen– tance might not be pardoned, for then Daviddid invainpray for the pardon of his murder and adultery, becaufe nopar– ticular facrifice was appointed for fuch fior.es, only God hereby would demonfirate his hatred and wrath againll fuch . flout and fiubborn offenders, to the terror and fear of()(her-s. As Deut.r7.12,I3. The man that would not obey the Prieft, he was to be cut off for hu pre(umption, that every one might hMrand fear, and do no more fo prefumptuoujly. This is the reafonwby no facrifice was prcfcribed for fufh fins, 'but im– mediate death. The¥ therefore are too rigid, and lay a ne· cc{fary ground for irrecoverable defperation, who hold, all · wilfull gro1fe finncs under the time of the Gofpel to be un– pardonable, that God will not fet open the door ofgrace for : fuch to enter in, that there is no Ark provided for fucb ; on– ly fuch fins are not ewly pardoned, they make a fad breach– between God and the foul; they wall our comfons, they wound onrconfciences, they throw us into the deprh of fear· an~pcrplcxed thoughts within; why fhould not this thc:n . make cold at the very be.ut ? thofe Gnncs fo eafily, fo <. fre– quently, (o conftant1y commitced by thee, will hardly be wafhedaway: It will coO: thee many a fad hour, many an heavy temptation, frequent firuglings and lhivings, ere a reconciliation be made between God and thy foul. 3· 'I' he prefmnptuom ]inner mak,tf himfelf a dir([t ·image of t'he devil; only the devils finnes are intelleClual, being the JPirituqlWic~dmf{es in h'igh places, and thine are b'odily grofs ones; and wherein art thou become after his image and like– ge1fe? eve-n in this refpetl~ he is already under torments, and ' he·knoweth greater one-day will be infliCled on him; he is full of knowledge and clear apprehenfion of this enmity and · malice· againa God and his way, ~~et for all this torment~ Ff 3 ' _and. z. - The old Tc– fiam.em had no [acrifice for prefumptuos Gnnes. 3~ The pre(um• ptuous fit1ner make , himfeli a direct Ima"Qe . of the devil."'