Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

·2~1 o[Pre{"mptttlrM Sinnes; ind all this knowledge and light, he wilfully finneib againft God, and increafeth his condemnation; fuch a bodily de· vil is every prefumptuous !inner; it may be fcverall plague& and punilhments ofGod are upon him already,bis knowledge, ,, his confcience, his own heart is againfl: him, faying, Remem– ber for all this thou flult ~omc to judgement, and yet he wilfully and obllinately. will runne into all wickedndfe ; wherein canfi thou make thy felf liker adevil then in this very refpetl:? Oh its not fo much Gone, as thy prefumption and wilf~lneffe in it, that makes thee in fucy ·an incurable dif· pofitton. . , · ·4. ~ - 4. _Thi$pte[umptuom ftnning, u 1t great difPo{er to ·the very I~ is a great unpardonablejinagainfl the hsly Ghoft ~as appeareth by the for– dtC~oCer to the mer place quoted, Heb. 10. Adde but apofiacy. and a total finpardonable forfaking of the whole way of Chrilt, with defpitc and ma.. ume. lice againft Gods truth, and then this prefumptuou~ !inner haeh finned the finne againft the holy Ghoft; fo that pre· fumptuous fioning.,d10ugh it be not accompanied with a toeall · apofiacy, yet its putting thee into the way, if God flop nor, -ifgrace help nor, thou art beginning to fall down that fi'eep bill: Oh tHen cake heed of wilfull finnes, and_{iones againfl: your clear light, for thtfe ,at lafl: may bring on dcfpite and m:dicc eo wh:at is good: Thus malice may bring thee to apo.: (hey, and un'to an implacable oppoiicion eo· the holy waies ofGod, and when thou art fallen fo.farre, thou art come eo . the very botr.omofall. ., ' 5'· 5. Pre/umptuom }inning hath thi& heavj aggravatiM, for lts aGgn t?at its aftgnandevident Jymptomc that the party fo flnning uunder the party lo ,.{:ji d" h h W · finnin" is unfi greater power fJJ tn ~n "'"taw t en ot er men. ere It not der a gre:her thatth~devil had filled thy hcart,w~re it not ~hat fim .were . power of fin·ne .romed tn thee, and become thy very nature, as }t'were, thou · andSatanth~n couldllnever harden thy felfto fuch impiety; fo that when ·- ) ether men. you fee a man go on in ft1ch prefumptupm waies, you rnay . cry out, as the mother conc~rning her daughter, Have mer– cy on me, f6r my daughter i4 greatly tormented With the devil. The wife may pray for fuch an husband, Have mercy on ,me, formy husband ,is poffdfed with a devil : the father for fuch adtilde; themaflerfor fucha fervant: WemayfaY.toJucb, as