Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

Q/ PrefomptuemSlnnu~~ as PettrtoSimonMagm, Oh tbouchilde ofthed~viJ, full of gall and bitcerndfe, thon haft no part in the Kingdom of God : Thou therefore who with all fpite and contempt doll runnc into the excdfive waies of finnc, nothing keeps ~b(e back; know, that if fin and the devil ha a not a grtat power over thee, thou couldfl never be fo o6fiinate. , (5. Such prefumptuBm Jinning m~.r ot4r 'condition miferahle, ' 6 becaufo it puttethm into aYJincur~ble fl ate. .Thereis no or.di- It put~ ; man nary way to be wafued from thts fi lth , as 1t were, for bemg imo an incu– thus ·proud and obfiinate, all the- means, that are applied can rable ftate. do no good. Ellsfons, becaufe,prefumptuous finners,defpifed all their fa thers counfels. Tbe Jews, becaufe prefumptuous, made the Prophets complain, they had laboured in v ain, 11nd ftrttched out their hands all the day long to nopurpo[e: yea they made Chrift to weep over /errt[alem, Mat.23 ·31• How often Would I havegathered thee,-bNt thoNWouldfl not. · · I:.afHy, Therefore doJh prejumptuom }inning makt. aman fo miferable, hefaN[e "WrAth tmdcondtmnP~tion Will tak! them in the midft of(11// their fecurfty j when they are leafi; thinking of it, ' whea they are in their profperity , taking th'cir eafe, as it was with SodomandGomorrha, as it was with the old world; Oa what a fudden change will God make in a moment upon fuch haughty finncrs 1Prefumptuous Belfoa~~ar in the .midfi of his jollity, feeth an band writing, and fallcth into fears and trembling; their funne fettc'th at noon day, and cv~n while the flefh is in their mou~hesJ they are confumed. . V(e ofI nftructien, To take up a bitter lamentation for the wofull and wretched eftate moft men arc in: and the trtore it is to be pitied,. becaufe fucb\do not pity chemfeives, for where do- ye not fc;e places ..full of prdumptuous finners? what are all thofe p~o?hane, groffe tl'anf!~re ffions committed againfl the light of the GMpel., witti ngly and wi llingly, butt notorious pre fump~wns ? Are not our' fi reets, · at1d many fa· mi lies- full of fuch prefumptuous finne:s·? Oh tbe patience·.· and longt:u ffering of God, d at givetb fuc h anylonger time upon the~arth 1 Oh the goodneffe ofGod; that 1trikes thee not fudd.;nly,t:h:.tcdamnetb thee not fndJ ~ ntr ! Dono£ think long todue ~od aftec this m;lnner, hh ~e ngeance~ th~ugfl. uow, Vfoi •'