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~t·24· Of Relgni~Jg Dr Majler Sinnes~ flow~ will at laft break thee intopieces. It behoveth God foe - bis own name and ho9our to take notice of, and punifu{uch bold offenders; Thou haft a dme, a while wherein thou fa· ti&fieft thy tufts, and doll: accomplifu thy deftre, fearing no•. thing: But oh~ what wilt thou do, when God arifeth terri– bly t-o fluke thy heart andconfcicncc 1 What mountains and bils fuall then cover thee ? Oh therefore get that mountain of thy heart melt like wax~ humble thy felf bctimes under _the hand of the great and mighty God, agree with this ene– my and terrible adverfary of thine, while thou art in the way. ~~~-*~~~*~~~~~~*-~~~~ s £ R M~ XXV 1I. Of Sinne ~gning .in a man, .»Jith the Signes and difco-vering Mar~ . ther~oj'~ · ------· p SA Le .1g. lj• Keep"''k thyServAnt frompre{umptuoas fins)that thty1re~ vailnii6'T/tr me. . · THe third part con!iderable in this Petjtion comes to be treated on, vi.1V. The Modification or Qgalification of his Petition, or in what manner he would be .thus prcferved, and that is, That ji11ne may not prevail over him; That no fin may lord or mafter him, fo th-at he lh-ould be a fervant, and in continual bondage to it, for fecing 'he cannot ferve two fuch contrary matters, as God and 'finnc; if he love ftnne and · fubjetl: himfelft<J that, he doth thereby forfake and renounce God. The