Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

•I Reigni13g or Maj!tr Sinnrs~ The ?fo!mift therefore takesit for granted, that while he is in this life, be cannot be without motions and infiigations to linne, yet lie delireth, that thefemay not prevail to have dominion over him. Irs with Davidas the Sea and the Land; :the waters are highenhen the e:irth, in all natural confidentions, the W:tters would immediately prevail over it to drown it, but God huh fet bounds to it ; and fo it ls here, There are daily workings.of corruption, and llrong inclinstions to finne, even in the godly, 'and had they only their own arengtb, they would immediately be plunged into 211 filth, but grace fupports 3Dd rrevenrs. From this we obferve, That thottgh thegodf] ~ttnnot he ""'ithout Jinr.t, yet tl;q are Oh{erv. earneflly ts Watch and pr11), that fin ne do not prevail over thtm. . While we are in confliCt and cornbate with fin, it will not be our ruine~ bttt when we W'ilfully take thc{e bonds and chains upoh us, then finne will be our ovenhr~w. Tl~e Maid th:tt cried our, while any m1n violently affJult' d her, was :trquit· tel by Gods cotnmmd; Hence Ram. 6 r z, the -Apofile ex. borts, That We lanot }inne reign in cur mvrtal bodies j he doth n~t f:iy, Let it not b-e, th·!re, bur let-it n"t reign: Even as tl1e Jfratlim could not wholly ex?ell the Je611jiw anJ Canaanites, yet they kept rhem und{'r, they hinJered rhem from reigning over them; fo ought rhe children of GoJ. There · wilt be pride, eJrrhlincfJe, onbelief, movir:g 'lnd tt'orking ,in th~e, only let them not reign over thee. The Apr·file in rh1t fixth Chapter, dorh at large thew how every m:mtill regene– rated, is a fervant to ftnne, and overcome by ir. rill thegr:tce of Regeneration doth renew us, an :l fet at l1berry; but 0f this anon. Before we come to fhew wh1t are the figns and dircoverie! Tntrodu~ory of fin reigning in a man, take notice of fome puticulars in- Propcfitt.ons f d n. 0 r - to the potnt o tro UL---.: Y· reionino fin - As firft., Th~tt tf.m·e u original Jinne, \\Jhith b) nawre doth 0 .1~ 1 • reign over all m*nk,inde: fo that th~re was never any m:m (except Ghrift God and man) which was not wholly under the power of it ; This (inne h-th depraved all the whole man, deprived them of all their !lrengch, fo that whatfoever (; g it