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of Reigningor Mttjler Slnnes. . i-t bids us think, love, defire or atl, ·that we immediately perform, fo that as the godly are faid no len.gcr. to five, but Chrift in them; fo much rather, every man by natu!e may be faid not to live,butJinne in him. This the Apofile Rom. 5.doch. at large infift on, declaring that finne as the c~~fe1 and .death. as the effeCt, bath reigned over all. This is the fpiritual bon– dage all are in, under whi eh we arc all to groan more then the Jfraelite.r under Pharaohs oppreffion; and the ldfe it is a burden to thee, the more it ought to be, fo that an. Ana-' tlmna may · well be prommnced againfi all thofe Dodrines ·that do wholly deny this bondage, or in a great part diminifh it. This is like thofe mad and difiracted perfons, who thoagh in prifon and chains, fuffering in a wretched. condition, yet fancy tO thernfelves Kingdoms and ' Nations that they are Lords over: Yea this bondage is in fome meafurc fiill in the godly, though regenerated, and they bitterly compfain,of this, aschat which makes all their c0mforts to be like worm– wood. Rom.7. P~~~~ gricveth under this, a~ being [old under Jinne, as a flav.e brought under the power ,of another again!t his will. Thus it is with the godly, Cagitur met~U [entire~ thoagh not alwayes con/entire, as 'lJernard faid; and Ga/6. even the children of God do finde the flelh fo farre prevail· ing againfi the Spirit fomctirnes, that the things they wouldnot ao, tho/e they do. ' Secondly, Every unregenerate man ti!lfan[/iftcd; u not on· ly under the dominion of original Jinne, 6ut under fome aCfual jinne, or fomeone or divers luf/:s do reigr; over every unconverted , man. So Rom.6. all, before ingraffed into Chrift, are faid to · obeyJinne in the tufts thereof, and ·2 Pet. :a. The Apofile faith~ Ofwhom amanu DVercome, he u a fervant nnto•.. Now there is no natural mao, but fomerirnes one finne, fometirnes ano– ther, yea fometimes many do overcome him, fl!!Jt vitia tot Domini, the Heathen could fjy , So many vkes, fo many cruel Lords and Mafiers. All unregenerate men ~ have put thei,r neck into fins yoke, and are unwiliing to have it. taken offagain; Though he be the greatdt Ruler and Governour 'of the world, yet ifa man be a fervant t6 fonie Juft, he is {more wretched and miferab.le' then tbe Afg/er 9allie-Oavhc; w !t. '