Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

~ · with fpme conflill and £ricf, and at Jail with a final re'o~ ,·.cry ;. then in'this fenfe finne may fometimes reign in a godly man. , , · Fourthly, Sinne cowe! to prevail over n. m.m hy degrees ,;nd {Hbtil injinuation. Aman is not at the very tidl under the powerful dominion of it, 'f~~.m.J. There arc firfl enticings a»d fugge.ftings, after that flnne .conceiveth,, and aft:r that brings · forth : So that as the Cloud 10 Eiipths tJme, wh1ch was at firft but as big as an hand,did afterwards higgen into a vafi Cl()ud ,. able to darken the whole sky; or as the eJ(halatiom and va· pours when they arife -at'fi r£1: from the earth~ are not difccrn- , able, but when cQngealed in the fecond Region, they turn, toblack ccrnpefls of lighu~ing and thnnder; Thus it is her.e;, fi;;me bath its beginning~, and its fubcil ingreffes~ but after– wards.thcfe fp:uks do proveavery great flame. As therefore i ~ was Herods ddign eo kill Chrifi in the.Cr.Jdle,in flis Infancy, fearing his Kingdom fhould ruinc. him, fo it fuould be thy_ godly wifdom on the contrary to fubdue fin:-~e in the begin~ ningsof it, · to break thctn in the egg, before they come eo be Dragon'> _or flying Serpents ; .one fpark let alone may er.... daAger anwholeTown.; if thou give ioduigencc to rhv lulls a.t firfl, _they,w.ill be thy.maflers afrhwards ; thy pride, thy · unbelief~ . rhy.worldlindfe. thy P,a!lions,_ifthou. refill them. . not bctimes, they will foon be thy Lords and Mdlers. S i~s_. of !ione - T:hefe things prcmife,d, let us c.onGd.er what are the figns. w~mng ovc:r a o.r difc;pvering Mark! r;f finm prev;~i,/ing •.v•r a man, when. a1.an., rpay_it b·c f!!.id..th_at fuch an GOds afervant to his finne, it.hat h. dominion over him ?_And . 1 Fhfi, Then flnne prtvaileth, when tbe fludy~; tndeavo~r Alfd. When the Ga. pwpofe_of ll mllrJ t& ~'holly htnt for the.~&e&Pmplijhin.~ offome lufl. dy, c:ndGavour Agod.Jy man may fall into finne, . may commit iniqoicy, bot - and pu;pofe oLycr his hear~, hi~ fiudy, his whole foul :is not fee upoo it. This. • 1 mban 1~who 11· o.ur Sav iour confirmeth, John8. He that JDth.fnne, u the fer- . y c:nt ror t le if ~ d b.. ·r h· · · · f r r. a«ompliihin; vant . D pnne ; , an e_cau,e. t IS· ppmc ts o ~o great ~001f•. e£f 9 mc:lufi. t)Uenc.e, mark the alfcverat1onbe.ufeth, verf. J!o. YenI] Vt• · rilJ I [ay unto)tm,in fornc imp.orranr, necelf.Hy, and~ confe~t)Uential truths Chrifi~ukth tbi~ affirmation; now.the Pba~ r~fte.~ bo:&fhng tbcy,w<re the. feed of Ab.r~thitm~ and hereby ' ·· · glory_in.tt~