Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

\ ofRlign;,g ' ' MAjer Sl11nes. 22sr glorying in their liberty, there was n~ dotlrine fo nccdTary, as to let them know they were fer·;ants and bond·men, and , that unto their lufis :. Confider then' this Ptopcfition, thou that art rich, ~rcat in the world, doll what thou pleafdl, re– member that thou art an enfland wn:tch, whofocver doth commit iniquity ; now what is this coJnmitting of Ji» as makes a man afervant? it 11; fuch as [ohn fpeaks of, 1 7oh~3• He tht~t i4 born of Godjinneth not, viJ(,. fuch a fiudious, diligent, in– d·uftrious providing for tht lufts ofthe fldh, that the whole man i1 taken up therewith : Some learned men woulcl make a difference between rlf-Utp.W.vflv an.d mtH"vd[-Utprfttv, to finne fim• ply, and to make finneinduflrioutly, but in the Scrip.ture ufe. thofe expreffions carrynOl fuch a diftincrion, only tbe con-– textmuft·makefucha difference. Thofe that fo finne, .that · tbcir endenoun:.. defires and inclinations arc for ic, fu,h' are . the fcrvants of finnc, tbough the act fuould' not be commit" ted ; As Chrift faid to1udm, wh~:t thOJJ dorft, do quick!J, not · what thou art about to do, ourc purpofcd to do, but whAt · th~N doefl, thoogh he was then at Sl:lppcr, yet Cbrifi faid, he was then betraying ofhirh, then cUiivering him up, becaufc bis.heart was to do it. Se that this wilLgreatly difcover, though not to others, yer to our own 'onfcicnccs, when fin reigneth over us; ifthe.rhougbu~ . incl·nations, .and aU the . care of the foul be that .way, for as the godly. know they are · fcrvants to righteoufnellc, and ·that the t ·ord is their Goll,_, b'ecaufe ofthe meditations and atfcd:ions they hear to him, . foma.y aw·ickcd man eafily finde out his bondag~ to finne by tbe motions, .propenfions and. conftant inclinJtions o£ th't foul. Thus the Adulterer , his tboughts, ima£inations and~ dcuresare that way. The covetous m:in, his projech,dcfire.s and endeavours are who~l'y worldly, .fo that if men did not .. wilfully blinde thcir-eyes,they mighteafily fee what miftrable.· captives they were to fome fin or other. . Secondly, ThelljiJine rr.evailelh '9'ller ~ mA~ tU . rsn .abfoliite.Whe•"::nao ' Lord, when 14 ,tllendoth w~lltng!J11nd readtly g}ve Hf?hsm(elf to doth wil!inu.ly · the /flfls Andcommandt ofjinm. Whac finne bids him chiok,,aod mdily~· hethinketh, what it bids him love, he toverh, ,d<?,.ne doth; give 11phimftlf·: ~~theCenturiM proved .his Command and Authoricy, _l)e_. rothe cam· _.· · _ G g 3 caufe mlillls of !i_n~ •