Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

230, , DfReigllit~gor N~fle~ Sinnes: ~aufe wh~n be faid tohis ferva~cs, i>o thu, 'they did it. There: fore the Apoflle ufeth an emphacical word, Rom. 6. As y~u hAve ,given upJour _memhersun~o unrighteGu[nof{e, fogive ther~Z.J up to righteoufne[Je, .mtet~vm, is a free, ready fetting a mans felf for fervice, as fervants dowhen _their mafiers call. As the Angels are faid to fee the face .of God, to Cland in his pre– fence ready for every beck and command, fo we wh0 were · once fo ready to obey the lull:s of finne, fllould now be a. willing, forward people for God : Oh its a great matter eo confider, with what confe.nc and delight thou doll freely .and gladly commit finne, the more of this, the more doth finne prevail over thee. PAul found that finne led him captive, but' becauf~ he arove againll: it, be conflicted with it, he did that he would not have done, therefore thefe fins were fins of infirmi ry, for he drlighud in the Law of God, his joy was in th~ clean contrarv eo finne at that time, Romq. But now, when finne fir:.1des a~l in ~bee, as the Devil did, ready[wept and. garnifhed, when its like thehoney and the hBney-comb unto thee, then tremble and be afraid, faying, I am in bondage and fh– very. As in the day of Gods power, hu ptople ~ere a willing people,Pfal. I xo. Sq in the time of fin and Satans power,finners are willingeo obey them. 3 . ' Thirdly, 'fhen ten]Jinne i&. a m!ljfer, anddoth prev~il, when When we make we mak.J it our utmoft end, placing it in GodJ room. For a .man it our utmoit that ferveth finne doth not make it meerly his Mafl:er, but it end. is even a god to him, be referrcth all things to that lufi, L1e eats, he drinks, - he labours, liveth only to fuch a linAe. The Scripture cals it. Living to jinne, that is, _wben.all our labors, endeavours and happindfe,as we judge,is,intbe fatisfyjng of fuch acorrupt affeCtion. - As the prophane Amorift in the Co· m~die faid,VJ1.a/o me ij/tt mulier,quam Dei# ip(e amet He had rather that woman fhould love him thcnGod hiR!(elf,though every enOJved !inner do~b not utte~ this blafphemy wtch his mouth,yet he faith thus in his heart, he is thu~ inwardly affe- . ,fled: Dotb not theadulterer regard the love of fuch a wo· man more then the favour ofGod? Ifhe doth nor,why then dareth hedifpleafe God and d'amQ his own [(l)ul,co enjoy rhofe · forbidden pleafures of finnc? D~ they not defire che .enjoy· ment .. ' t