Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

' , Of Jr.cignit~gor Mt$/ftr Sinn~s~ topray that GGd would fet thee at _liberty to ranne the way of his Commanctements. SERMe XXVIII. e5\fore Vifto~eries of ~igning Sinne in amanUJith its Jggra~ations. PsAL.l9oi'J• Keep ""tk thy Strv4nt ftom prefomptNI/14 jinnes, thAt thty h11ve 1JO dominion1vtrme. . WE are to proceed in_difcoye~iog fo~e . further Si~ns and Charaelers,of Smne tn tts dom1nton and retgn . ~vera man; and the fir!l: in order at' this time that! be t,his, 4~ That fint~e u .• " rtigningfinn~, -which. makp all oth.:r Jinnes A re.igaing 'ft o~eJ th~tt,: That ts the Occan 1 mto whtch all the flreames do makuall ~ther empty t~mfelves; that is the Prince ofdevil!, which feu all fins obey It. otber devils on work. As it was a fure fign,that pride and en• vyhad dominiop over the Pbarifees, bccaufe whatfoever cru· ell or crafty counfels they undertook, it was wholly eo fatif· , fie thofe inward lufls ~ This is commonly called a m~ns belo• nd liane; ·andfome think D.111iddid efp.t"cially aim at thar, when he rtfolved to 'be upright, and to k..eep him(elf fi'sm h¥ iniquity, Pfal.I8.23. d!at peculiadimre he was inclined unto, for commonly ORe finne our groweth all the refl, and as the tall tree takes away a.ll the nourilhment from rhe undeor– fhrabs, fo Come overpowerfull lufl draweth from other finnes; yea all other finnes are devoured by that, a!l the Whale