Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofReigningor Mt$fltr Sinney., Whde ·t:onfnmeth the little filh. Examine then t·hY kif, What is that linne, to which aiJ thy other finnes do reface? The Adulterer, if he be covctous,or unjuft, or overreachin& to get any gain, it is not for the moniesfake, but to .ffiet~d it all upon hu tufts: That finne is in its vertical! point aad full dominion, which is loved and delighted in for its own fake, and aU other finnes fo farre as they help to accomplith it~ Thus ifCovetoufr:1effe be thy belo>red reigning linne, all thy other finnes of pdlionate (wearing,or Jying 1 and cruell extort~ ing w·ayes are to fulfill it. 2, Then Jinne hathfull d~minion,When it uturmJinto afeco.nd nature~ When through cuftom 'We are ha~ituated tfJ it: for that which is naturall, though we labour to fuppreffeit never fo much,yet it will break Out again ; Every thing followeth its natural indination,and it can do no otherwife ; therefo~e faith the Prophet, If a black..trll4ore can ch11nge hu skju, thenmayye · do good 'Who artaccuftomed to do tvil. Thus origin I finne,you heard_,that .captivateth and enthralleth the godly man,becaufe i_ts fo naturall, its like Ivy cleaving to the pak, that dqth confume it at lafi; and fo any actuall finnes., the more they ue naturalized the more we are accufl:omed eo them, its as hard to remove them as high mountains: · Oh thenconfuler, how little it.wilJ ~xcufc, when thou pleadcfi: for ·thy (lnncs, that thy · naturalJ confi:itotion tarrieth thee, thou canft not hclpit,it is thy nature; 7hm C~lcriclz and furiom men Will extenuate their Tyger-lik.p pajfiom: Oh but tremble and con ~ . lider, t·he more thy confi:itutiqn, or thy cufi:om incJi.neth thee to fuch finnes, the more domin!on thofe finnes have over thee, the greater is thy-thraldome ,and vdfallage to it. And doth not experience teach this? men accuftomed to drunken· ne!fe,to uncfeanne!ffe,are fo habituated in it, that they cannot live a day without fuch finnes; they are not able to refrai r~ fiom the temptations, they cannot·but add drunkenneffe to thirll ; like the hydropicall man, one draught doth not ex· tinguifh but provoke more thirft; Thus tbe enjoyingt>fthis utllawfull pleafures doth not facisfie, but make them defire ro return to .tbeir lulls again; Oh how ·rnany fuch wretc.hed prifoners walk up and down every where! · H-h , i• !ts i~ . When it is tur., ned imoafe– cond nature. ·- ..,.; . .