Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

~J4 t>l Reipging or Mafter Si1111u~· 6. 3. Its ajign that finnebath great power andd6m;nion oveY .c Wile~ plagues man, that nlJtWithflanding all the judgementsand plagrm ofGod a11d Ju~geHf"' him for it, yet for all that, he Will dG it; andalthough it menl t~ cb~ot may befor the time{uppref{ed,Jtl tu foon & the judgtmcnt i& over, rec a1m Jm. h ... . h ll d. rr. h . . . y r. t ey return Wzt a gree a~e11 e tot e~r vomtt agatn• c 0« 1ee , this remarkably in Phara6h, that ambitious defign to keep the Ifraelites ander, did as much overrule him. as .he·did the Jf– ratlitu, and th~refore notwithfiaading fuch rema·rkea-hle p·lagues irpmediately Bning upon him, yet no fooner is there any refpit, but he bardeQs himfelfto do wickedly as before. Thus alfo we m!y foe in the I{rtte!ites, that whole Nation was brOt~gbt under rhe power of tbat abhominable finne, Idolatry ; and becaufe they ferved other Gods, thcrtfore God gave them up eo fervc bud Lords and maflers: yet fot all thofe frcq,uent judgements, how prone were they upon ·all foccafions to commit Idolatry?, and are there not many · f•ch enflaved finnus, that for their adulteries and drunken-· ndTt are bivught to- a morfell of bread, to great extremities and beggery? .yet they do not rake notice of Gods vifible difpleafure againfi the_m; but in thofe mifer[es,.call:commit thofe grievous fiones,the caufc ofall their ruin. 7· 4· That Jin~e Which ~t n?ll.n caHno: t'!dHre /Jot~ld be rtproved I t i-1that linae ~r ereifched 11[/.tnJl, concermng wh1ch a man doth not leve to which amaa hear the th'reatnings-, or thc.dirediens in Gods Word, That cannot endt~re finne bath great dominion over a man: When SaHl wguld fuoulalac: ro· r. A . d h f: n 11 • ~ 11 · b · proved or , 1pare gng an t e atteu cute .' st san.:n e. was smmo-, prtachcd aderately atfefle4 to thtm, There IS many a man wiH com· gain!t. mend fuch Sermons that are fniJ of power and zeal againft c:hofe fmnd-he is not guilty of,. but if you come to ~ddle with his finne, reprove that his confcience condemneth him for, t~en he b.Jeaketh out.into rage: on t'- other fide, it~s a. fure rule that man is upright, anq bcanily deftt:etli no kinde of finne may over. mafier him, chat Joveth to have his heart and life fearched, That defiretb all finne as weH asfomc one finne may be difplaied in all the aggrav:ations ofcit ;. That looketh upon all finne as. poyfon, and fo 'dareth not eat of. one kinde more then another; Thus Dt~videxcellently, Pfa. , 119, I 33• Order mJ fteps ~} th) Word, . and let no .iniqH~t} ~lf.ve, ' ,,,111 11.' Q13