Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

• of Reigning , Mlljltr Sinnes. 235 Jomin;,, ovtr me : Here he prayeth rhe fame mattor atis ·in mj' Te'Xt, a-nd alfo lhewel-h how we may be prcfc:rved from finnes dol,Ilini-on, even by tit diligent lfnd carcfNll attending unto God1Word. Oh then the linn: thou hideft !nd • covereft, the finne no man muft tell thee of, that do thou fe.ar -and tremble at, This bath dornirilion over thee. ~. That fin -whieh amttn doth much re[ol'fle Af.ainfl, Jt~~,fafl 8. ~enJprttJ, andmoNrn t~tainfl, andyet he~overrak!n h] ;t, This T h.at finJie ftnne hath great dominion over~ r:mn :as thJt difcafe i$ very wlu~ a man ,llrong which fiill abideth, though a man ufe all the advife ~~' ref:iJO:. andmeans to rtpreffe rt; Indeed thy refilling of llnne an~ againtl 1 and earnefi conflilliflg wick it, is good ani comforcablet and-the yet is over. godly in rcfpcct of the motions of llnne, a.nd fcverall affions takenbf it. of finnc, -not fo groffe in nature, are often ovtt-powerd; ~nd thofe wicked .men who are -c:trried avvay wi thong and grievous luf1:.,, ~· ec if they ftrive, pray, mou rn-, and .call upon others, efpecially on Chdl, and carefully av~ id all temptations; they· reay hope God will at 1-afi raifc them out of th.at grave of !innc they arc bufied in, but yet they mu tt know, b:td not !inne noc only a foc•r as we fay, but the whole body in their hcarcs, they could never lick up fuch vomir, fuch fi~ne, that wich f.J much ~rief ':md flume, -and terrou r they hlve confeffcd to God : Oh then thou that art :.fraid any difeafe or !ickndfe !J..wu!d prevarl over thee, fhould O• vercome t~1y naturallllre r:l gth, feu lefi finne do thus over- .. whelm thee. -. 6 . Tbofifnnes thatconjijl in an inordinate (/jfd1i~n tc law9• ~ full and nectf{ary.comforts, do ma.n; times cnjilie;· intaMgleand Inordinate overcome; Men thofe t hat are (Jt-Jtward plea[t1res a11d dtlights of love te lawfun L ji · d. 1 h r 1\ r. · comforts may ,no»'ll mnes: tnor mate e ve eo our OUJes, caates, e.pect• be a mamma- _ally life,_ doth more fpeedily conquer s man, then love to a ller-J:in. ,-- .grolfe finn-e, fo th.at tbofe finncs may have the grearcft domi- - -·~- nion over thee, which chou 4oft not at all fufpctt. Thus 2n over-love, an orer·defire of wordly comforts, may poffeffe thee lik:e an HcClickFeaver, which ·is hardly difccrned, yet fecretly waflc• and confumeth. Hence we reade in R.tV·1• They arc fo ofcen faid to be bldfed who QVercome temptations, becaufe its feldome feen but thst temptations over· H h z come · ..