Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

'.• :}0. When fi1n'le hinders and difturbs all o\lr duties and religious per-: formances, .. o[Jt.eignlng·pr Mil}ler Si~es~ c,ome us, life·and livelieoods is very neccJTa~y. and ·deart~ us ,; a.U that a man bath ,even his very foul, he will give for that; Therefore. in the ScriJ'ture outward · affiiaiom and troubles are often called.temptations, ·becaufe they try a man in that which is deareil to him ; If any love eo thefe'.• outward·comforts be immoderate, then it will be difcovered, whether we have an Ija4c that we can offer or not; 0 then think not that thou haft caft off all the yukes and bonds of finne, bccaufe fuch grotfe lulls and :prophane courfes c1n no more en'tangle thee ; for if thy wealth, thy trade, thy wife, thy children, thy life it fclf be too ·dear to thee in Gods.caufe, then .finnc h~th dominion over thee : If you cannot fay, Lulls aAd prophane.lfe do overcome fuch a man, yet if you c,an fay, Such a marHo.veth father, or wif~, or children, or lffe . it fc.If more then Chrift; then fi nne hath·do·· minion by the-- immodera~e affection ·of tbcfe th ings over a– man; Oh tbcnco~de.r, whether thefe careful things do not like a.D4'Jlil; h lie in thy bofome, inticin~ of. thee, never l(.t· ting thee alone, till it bath bereaved thee 0f itU thy ftrength. ' ' ·· Lafily, Then fin h~th deminio14 over m , \\!hen it hinders and diftraEhth ;t/l QUr dt~ties anti religiom perform.mcej to God; for our Saviour fees this down for an undeniable rule, Ye can· n'•! ferve God tmd MamfJJon, Mat.6.24. If God will have the– whole hearr, the whole foul, the whole ftrength, then there is noth~ng for -finne or t he world-; There cannot be two co·n· trary tords or Mafte rs of thy heart ; He th~tt lovcth the world the love 9[ the Father u not in him ; Aman cannot at the fame time look with one eye upwaris and the other downwards. · As the Scri<kure fpeaks in matter of Idolatry, There is no hal£ing between twe, .no dividing of worfhip between Gad and Idols, but if God be qod fe :rve him : [o it is· here, Jf the world be thy Mafter, If fuch a finne be thyMafler, then ferve it; Never think robe under Gods domi nion, and the worlds,. Never think to ferve God and thy finnes al!o ; yet this is the, foolifu contradiction wicked men run into; They will on the Sabbath day come as if they fcrved God, and go to the Ale· houfeon the weekday to ferv.e the.devil by-cxceffe in drink. ing ' .