Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

,, \ Of Jtc,.gmngD1 MAjftr S1111'1ts. ~37 ing andother riot: Oh then .confider this more feriou~y all ye who fincfe your lufis, Qr the·world do either di£\raCl . ~t . t choak your duties~ or clfc make you wholly·la.y them aftde, · ; . ;·, ~ fo that ynu care not h(tw feldom yo:u are i.n tftcm, yu; they arc a burthen to you : Thus you have charatl'crsof finAe~ eominion; .Let us DO!I propound the aggravation of this bitter \ {hvery, which will be as fo many fpu'rres to make ns long for The aggrava• ..a 'year of JMbilee, .to come out of this prifon, as Jofeph dons oflh- 1 did. very under fin. And fitll, D6minion over U4 /;y finne i& worfe then all flntward . · I. · bondage and jlaverJ 'What/oever : How tedious was Ph~~traohs Its worfe then / oppreffions .to the l(raelitts~ it made them weary of their bll d~~;ard lives, ·God adall heardtheir groanrandcries; Led! be thus on ° ·– with-thee, 0 Lord, a~ :long as this finne or that lufr pr~vaileth · ovtr~ me, 1 have no pleafure in my life, I am we-ary of my felf beca\]fe of this foul·captivity: Neither riches, health, or honours do me any goo'd whileJhis lufr oppreffeth me; Oh let God every day bear the groaning of thy .oppreffed foul, and certainly 9od that doth fo graciouOy incline to fhew - mercy tothe oppreffed aod needy, that the Scripture dotb fo often celebrate his goodneffe herein, will not alwates de- – fpife thy inthralled aad over-whelmed foul: lf then bodily , £lavery be fo great a mifery to an ingenious man, an~ liberty fuch an ineftimable good tbing, that dte Rabbins fay, If the · Heavens were Parchment, and the -Sea Ink, it would not ferve to write dowrn the praifes of it, how terrible and into– l«rabl~ fhould the yoke of any finnc be ? Have not moft of the ,Warres that ever were in the world been for liberty a• gain!l: fhvery imd oppreffion, Every one thinketh him too . covecous·oflife that had rather live a vaffall then not to liv~ · 'at all ; This was propter vitam, vivendi perdere caufas, Shall ··then the outward bondage: of the body trouble thee? Shall · flwes to the Turk have fuch.praiers.and contrib'utions made for th7m to be releafed, and dofr thou not refpetl the free– dome of thy immortal\ foul ? When once finnc begins to be · a burden to rhee, When once its a wearifome bC?ndage; then : thou art in away of fal vation. • . 2. To .be.Hndrr jinnes domini~n u /o great amifery that.ihe ~h-3, godiJ,