Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

:138 ~. 9[Reignl11g Dr M4jttr Sinnes~ · '1'Jseg~ly InregtJti/y hAve"JPecit~ll Pr~i[e tsbe prefirvedfto1t11 it 44 thlgreA: pr~nuf~s ateft e11il, l.om.6.. Sit~/hAll not lhcve .do11Hnion over)9N, becaufe :;;~t~ftt a~{ he under grace : Thus the Godly in their fact conflitts and daily en • fears, left fuch o~ fuch finnts do wholly .overwhelm them, have this comfortable promife tofupport them J Wonder lOt to fee wicked men lorded over by their lutl:s, that they are carried away as brute btaRs ; Alas, thty are not under this promife, under this gru:e. The godly m:ms fAith is faid ta overcome the ft1~rld, and Chrift who is with the godly, is fironger then the devil who is againft them. ·1 . 3· Thuhondage t• jinne is fi !l..re~tt acAlamity. thAt t/,e whole • All 'Chrilblid 'W•rk..ofChrifl, Which he didfor m, 1111d ,ell hu [Njftrings uc,f. for us-is called led 11 redt,ption. In that Chrilt is a fpirituall Redeemer, it aRedemption. ·argueth ~nne is afpiritusll bonda-ge; Now how dear did this cofi him ?- ·was·it p~,>ffible for us·to be ranfomed but by the bloud of Chr'ifi?.Did he not give up himfelf eo the power and dominion of ~is cruell c;nemies, that we might be deli– vered ·from our fpirir.uall adverfaries? As long therefore as finne hatb dominion over thee, thou hall no .Part in Chrifts ·Redemption, for he &died eo fee thee at liberty, he· was cru– cified to free thee from ·.thy finncs ; And if there be no fuch elfcd as this upon thee;. that glorious .rcdcmp[ion bath no~ at all reached thee; . Do>notthou then fhrcerthy felf with -the name and title of aRcdeemeq .Oh you fay, you hope to ·fee your Redeemer, whereil) hat,h 'he bee» a ..Redeemer to thee? bath he freed thee from fuchJufis that-once had power ·over thee ? . . 4 · 4· Confider the[.edrtwArdfinne 'WWgiverht~for IJII tb) flr- !Thc re~ard of vice a11d fiedience to it : To take all thofe pains, to be in that Sinne. . daily dr1dgery to a lufr whi!=h afterwallis will be tby .ctcr• · ·nail torment; how abfurd is ic? how cantl thou but Ay from ·fuch a mafier ~hat bath evcrlafiirrg whips an_d fcourges tor thee? yet fooli{b and unwifc finners never confider where the end of all their labour anilf fcrvice to fin.ne will be ~ ?acob ~ (Omplaincd of Lah11Ks dc:c·eit about his wages, but to all crcr– nity thou wilt have greater caufe to cry out that fin bath de· f:tived thee, promifing joy and pleafures, but inltead -of this bony, thou haft gall acd won•wood eo feed upon toall ecer· ~icy. · 5• ~n