Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ojReigningtr NAj/tr Si?Jt1t!; S. In beceming 11 {rrvant to jinne tboH remmnuft 118 1h11t /i. lttrt.J, Mefednejfe, "lid lutppimffe '"·hich i& id tht/tr~ia ~f fled. Wbu the Pharifces boaficd of their freedom hl:' Ahrah11m, Chrifi tolddtem they w~re fcrvants of finfle, ana then they woul4 be free indeed, If the StJ~ did m11k! thtm free ; Joh.S. What unfpnkable joydid D11vM finde in the fcrvice of ~od? Whoever waited on him and was not plcfltifuPiy, rewarded? - -All our fcrvice though fo imperfe8 and deferving hell, yet he doth graciouf.ly rewardwith etern:lll glory, why then doft thou choQfe to ferve iqne rather then God? · 6. He that u a{ervant to finne u a j{r'rlant to the dlvil al{o : 5'. Where finne bath dominion the devil .hath dominion; Now A renounciag. doth it not terrific thee to have fuch 4 mdler? the devils pof- all that liberty, r~ffing of the body and tormenting it is nothing fo terrible b~f~dnef!eJ n: h .tr 1'£ f h h I . h "1 H aua ~o.~appmc:ue. as t epoututngo t yw oemanwtt anrev1 way. e~ce whichis inthe ." tbe devtl is called the God of this world,.and is fsid to rule in the fcrvi'e of God . hearts ofthe Jifobedient; fo tht~t they are not only fervants but ckildren alfoof the devil ;It·anot enJy thy pride;rhy. paffion, thy lufts, bot the devil alfo that rule over thee : Should not this ma1<e men immediately renounce all their lulls, as being the devils livery; and by which we may know he is their Ma– ller ? · · • · , -" tJ(e of Admonition, To come out of this bondage with·· fpeed; We would thinkmanywords were needleffe, thyown flavery thould make thee 6efire a redemption ;..Bu.t-this undo.. eth m~n that they are fo ufed to fin that they know ·no better,. they lovt" no better, therefore the firfi thing to be praied for is to feel the chainsand fetters upon thee ;:Though tby.finnes be pleafant and·.fweet to thee, yet they are chains for all tbar,and thou t:houldft think fo: they fay among thelndilln! where gold . is fo plentiful, they fetter their prifoneu with chains of gold as we do of iron 1 becaufe of the commonne1fe of it ; but are. · tbefe the ldfe prifoflers? are they the Ieffe miferable bec-aufe their chains be ofgold?no more are thy,fins Jelfe hflavy though_ ueompanied~itb pleafnrc:s. · ·- lj ' SERM~. . •