Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

&laaaaali•aaaa&ll!~li s E-a ·M • . · x.x· I x. . ' ·sinceri·ty a,nd~igning finne are incon.J. ftflent. . . . P .s A L. I 9.1F The~J (hAll Ibe upright, And innocent ft~m thegreat tranf. ·gre.filil. · ' . / · ' ·V E hi!e di~patched th~ two petitions mentioned by V · .. Dav1d, v~. for remdlion offinne, and apowerfull fantlification and prefervation from the power of finne. The JaH: thing to be difcnfled is, 1"he confequent fruit and ben'efit .which will redound to Da11id, when tbcfe mercies arevouch~ fafed to him, Theu /hall I {J, Hpright, Then, viz::.. When I llave obtained the pardon of roe guilt of ·finne, and grace againfi the power of finne, them and never till then am I compteat or upright: Some render the word Integer, pcr– fethnd whole, or compleat : Some immaculatm undefiled: The Septmgint J.p.otJ.®- j intimating that any reigning finne would be like fome great fpot or deformity uponaman, .fo as to make all the other parts onlovely : But all tbefe words do - aitn at the fame fenfe , fo that VfC may obferve this Do: ~~ . "DoH. "< Vprigi-Jine.f[e and. truth ofgrace ct~nmt ftand 'With the total/ , . Sincerity in- ~~tnd peaceable dominion of jinne. Thus Dtlfvid doth · acko'ow~ c~nfifl:ent ledge evidently, Let not .finne hllve dominien over me, then I w~t~ thefdofo~Cit be upright~ and on the contrary, ifit do prevail over mt>, mtntoD o any I k 1 · · · T h f d Sinne .. caanot ma eany c alm to mtegmy : rut o grace an · the dominion of finac can nomore agree th'cn light and dark- -· - · - - - ,~ nelfe, '