Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

. of :Reigning or M4}1er Sinnu~ 24.1 ~ - - neffe, Chrift and Belial. Hence is that knownplace, I John 3·9~ He that i.d;,rn of Godjinn1th not, neither can he,, hecllufe the feed ..bideth in him : He cannot fitme, as the C11ms, and wicked ones of theworld who are of the devil rheir father, · with a full and a totall r~fignuion of all unto Gane: Hence __ alfo ia that promifc you heard eo the godly, Rom. 6. Sin fh.cll not have dominion Gver pu. To inlarge this poinr, confider thefe infuing particulars. . .. I· That the d~minion offinne, maJ , And oftendoth conjift 'Wzth Tf~ domtmon. e."':cellent parts and abilities ·or gifts in~ religiom Way. A maR ~o~Gftnew~~y may preach excellendy, pray admirabl~r, have great under- excelkat gifts~ fianding andknowledge in the Scriptures. yet for all that be avery01Veto fomebeaftJylufi:or<>ther, Mat.7. Theytbat cried)Lord, Lord, who had Wrought miracles, caj}out devils in Chrift. Name, yet were ~ork.§rs of iniquiq. 1know its an heavy fcandall, and a dreadfull condemnation to be fuch a . fwine, and yet have fU(;h a jewel in their mouths, but yet experience doth greatly confirm this; A conflant and diti. gent pc:rformance of holy :md religious dur:es may confill: with a wicked andungodly life: As ![11. 1, Thofe that were fo exacr in their sew Moons, al'ld Sacrifices; w~recommand.ed .to wafh them and to make them clean. Oh then conclude on this, mulcimde of duties and diligence in tl1em, great parts, gifts and inlargementg, do ,not argtie uprigh~neffe, there may be rottenndfe in the coar for a·ll this t lf unmorci– fied Gnnes and pdlions do reign over thee, thou art lhll in the fiate of gal! and wormwood , thou art yet in thy finnes. 2. Youmuft re'HJember that olddifti~Rion ~f jinnes dominion, Dominion of · tither totaU and abfolute, 'With peacep;b/e pof{rffion, or partiall Gn is either · and.Jo;c.ed, meeting With_ mMeh eppojitirna and. rejifla~1ce. Paul ~~~;ll or par'! cornp ameth of the capcmty he found eo finne, yea he affirm- · · eth there is fuch Jufiing and flriving in the godly, between the fle/h and jfirit, that they do rhc thi ,gs tht) Wouldnot do, Gal.6. Here then finne bath the mafiery ,but it is by violence, its as atyrant, not as the lawfull poffeffor; at the fame time thegndly groan under that opprtffion, they delight in the contrary, they pray for fpiriwallibercy,and freedom: Con· li . t~ri4