Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

:' ofJ.t eig11lng o.r M.afler Sinnts. traria {unt fimul in pugnA, co~trarie~; may be in the fame fub– jeet together fighting one with another,. but not in refi and · quietneffe, fire and water are together in the fame fubjetl fighting, till one hath conquered the other. . 3· it muft be confeffed thflt its a very great controverjie.l.:rge– l] difcujfed between Papifts and Arminian.r on one hand, and th~ Orthodox on the other hand, !f'htther tb~ gedly may 6e totally Whether fin and finally overcome by fin: Whether fin may have fuch domi– in agodlyman nion over the godly, as that it tball wholly conquer grace, may ·wholly and cbaf( the Spirit of God quite away. The Arminians,they 'onquer grace. fay Dapid, in thofe finnes ofmurder and adultery, was wh()J. l.y conquered by ~nne, fo ~hat for the prefent tbere was no degree ofgrace left in ~hem. H.er€upon they deride the Or– th'odo~, u ,holding there may be godly murderers, godly adultcrcrs,:eh;. Bat the truth in this point(is this, Such .uhave 11 {eerning profe.ffion •f Rtligion, and do faD into a conftant, h~tbitRated \\:lay of grof{e and prophamconr{es, l\?e fay, they never trHly had the feed of grace in them: Theywere dogs an4 fwiac though outwardly wafhed, and therefore return to their mire and vomit again: They Went fi'om m, becaufe they UJer~ not of UJ, 1 John 2. I 9· But for fuch who were once truly itt~· grafted in Chrill, and rooted in him, we fay, Though for a . {ea{on they may fall into fouland, grie'Vomftns, yet . the.J n.re not "Wholly conquered, there i& afeu:JWithin themWill recover again, · Jike thofe birds that lye in hollow trees, that fecm in the w:in· ter to be dead, till the warm Sunne comes, and thC'n their life app-eareth ; their fickneffe is not a fickncifc to deach,they are in a fwoon, but will recover' again. Peter was prayed for that his faith may not fail. Grace iadeed ofit felf is amiffi– ble, as appeareth in th@ apofl:ate Angels, and Adam, but theyare under a newCovenant aad Promife made in Chrifi; fo that as becaufc God is their God, their bodies lhaH be ~ raifed ODt of the grave; fu becaufe he is their God,thc:ir fouls . 6 . fhall conquer thefe fpirituall enemies. ~~Zc::~~;~~ . Thefe tbing.s premifed,. I~t us confider wby fiocerity is fo with the reign mconfiflent Wtth tbe.domtniOA of any fin: And , of iinne· I. P.~om the nature of{anaificatirm, v~hich u an tJniver{.ifl - 1.1 hraling ofaliihe finfull ,anddifc.ifed Pf$rts of the {o11-l; fo that ' ~m