Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

o(Rdgnillg orMafterSJnnu: thtre into ""MJ or- door for llnJ btlovtdfin to CfJme in·tit~ I pray Gori yebefanflzfied (faith P1111l) throughout,inJPirit, {outand body, 1, Theff.s.z;. So char: no fpirit fin, no foul fin, no body linne may have any admiffion. Tbus, as in originalllin there is the feed-plot of all evil, fo in regeneration, there is the root of all aCl:ual graces: and by"'this means all fin as well ~s one finne is oppofed. But now if we look to fome, who bave ai– lumination only in their mindes, and no renovation of their b:arts, becaufl! .the defence is not univerfaH, its no \;ronder that they receive many a mortall blow : This is often in the world, .rhat men have great convitlions, and yet flrong cor~ ruptions; they kno"l.r the will of God, but they do it not; t hey have a good eye, .but a foar leg; they commit the wic.. kednelfe they are convinced of; though they have parrs, and excellenl! abilities, yet they throw thefe flowers often in the dirt; they defile all by vicious Jives, and why? their re nova• cion is not univerfall : Its not upon their heart and affections ; "if grace were fetled there, they would abandon every linner. Its no advantage with the toad to havea pearl in the head, and poifon all over the body. · 2. Sincerity and the dominion of any gre{fe finWill not at.ree, ftom the immediate contrariety that i4 betwten grace and (in. They are formally oppolite one to another, and fo cannot lodge i-n the fame breft : Contraries indeed may be together ingradu remif{o, as in lukew:um water, but not ingradu in– renfo, and whiJe they are in that rcmiffe degree, they are fighting and conflicting, and thus it is hl!re, godlineffe and finne can no more accord then hot and cold, then bitter and fweet, Ram. I 2· Hate evil, cle,1ve to that Which u good; What communion hath Chrift With Belial? Let evtrJ one that nameth the Name ofChrift dipart from iniquity. Can tee Wolf and L:lmb, the Sheep and Tyger lye down together? There is an antipathy in a godty m·m ro finne, he fcarcth and tremblcth about the temptations ~fit ·; How ct?n I do this and fin againft God? Gen~ 39·9· f.aJd 7ofiph, its contrary and oppofice to my naturi So then feeing there is fuel\ an irreconcileable con~ trariety, wonder not, if where the truth of grace is, there thedominionof fin be fubdued : If yo.u fay, Why then is any I i 2 --- finne T I' -· 2.