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of !leignhtg ()r Maffer Sinna.- 6nne at all abiding in the godly, becaufe of the contrariety o( it: The anfwer is,fin is expe:lled by the grace of God affi!ling and inabling; now.-becaufe that is by degrees only, even as the d1feafe is not fuddenly, bur in time ex-pelled by nature; fo it is in the work of grace; This darkndfe is difpelled, as the Sun doth arife more and more. 3· where jinctrity tifGrace u, thereGodandChrifl umt!de the beloved ofthe fouf: Now where the foul is c.feeply and,rre· eminently in love with them, they_cannot~ they dare not entertain any thing contrary to this love: . The love ojChrift conflraineth me, faith Paul, 2 Cor.4 and God requireth love, -.,.zith allthe he11rt, (oul ~tnd ftrength 1- So that two B~loveds canbe no more in thefoul, then two Sum in the world, M i- .I nm te amat, qui tecum aliquid (DoWJine) ft1f1at: Doth not ' our Saviour exprdfely de-dare this? No maN c~n ferve two maflerJ, for if he love one, he JHufl k~tte, i.e.leffe love the other. WoRder not thm if the fincere,Chrift:ian dare not ~ntertain a cont'rary love to Chrifi, for he is tfpoufed and muried to ' him, God is his portion and inheritance, he is given up wholly to him, God is in ftead ofall~things elfe, and he knoweth .God is a jealous God, that cannot abide to fee ano-ther in that heart which is dedicated to him. Oh then, as Dalilah fa id to Sampfon, How ctmft th1n (If) thou l~vefl me, 'When thou hi· .. deft thu thing fromme? fo doth the upright be:~re fay, How can I fay, I love God, when I entertain fuch enemiei and ad· verfaries to him ? How can I fay, I have none in heaven or earth but God, when yet I imbrace fuch afinne fo hated and abhorred of God? The ,very love and ingenuity in a godly breafi, will make him Joath fuch finnes, fo that he will fay, 0 Lord, I defire to ha 'Ye the fame idem veUe & nolle, to tove what thou Jovelt, to hate what ct~ ou hat-efi; whu is enemy to thee, lhall be hated by me with a perfeCl: hatred. 4· Vprightmj{e cannot ftand 'With the all1wed dominion of ,. any jinne, from the nature ofjinne: All fume and every fin is poifon, is highly difbonouring of God, and deftrud-ive w _amans foul. There is no good finne, no -harmleffe fione, as there is no fweet toad, or barrnleffe dragon. Seeing there– . {ore what finne foe_ver.it be, yet it hath that ·biackneffe and oppo~-