Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

Of Reign;ng or M4Jer Sinnu~ oppoficion to God, it bath that deformity and loathfomnefs with it, chat other finnes have; the fincere man cannot clofe with it. Hence r John 3· he i.s faid, not toJin, in the abfirad or generall : one finnc is as abhorred by God as another: The Spirit of God is grieved byone as well as another, and fo the godly mans heart is oppofice to one as well as the other: Not but that the gedly may be fooner overtaken with fome finne then another, even as they excel! in one grace more then another: Through their confiitqtions, telations, or other temptatiom, one finne is more hardly refified then another. The wall may be weaker at one place then anott.Jer, and fo tfle enemy have more eafily entrance. but-yet fiilJ the frarne, inclinatioa and defire of the heart is againllall. See– ing therefore there is no finne of which he may fay, This is good; the law is not againfl: this,God is not offended at this, therefore he dareth not commit it. · 5.• Sincerity ~ill not bear the dominion of tfln) Jin, .bec11H[e of the finite and limited natttre ofthe foul, & al{o theJ~culties and operations thereof. The heart of a man cannot vigoroufly and ftrengly purfue two objetls, efpeciaiJy if different or con– trary: YoFJ ctflnnot [erve God and Mammon, M·at.6,2l. Mat. I 2·3 5. Our Saviour doth there imply, ev«y man hath a trea– fure, that which his whole foul is taken up with, .and where that is, his heart is: He cannot have two treafures, but oae. Now a9' from the fame fountain c.annot flow bitter fireams. and fweet, fo neither from tfue fame treafure can come good. or bad; Either its a good treafure and we do all from that, or a bad, and all is from that. The foul of a m:m is too nar– row and limited to be inte.nfely affeCted to different objects; If he cleaveth eo God, thereby he is loofened from finne and. the world; if eo the world , thereby he is feparated from, God: You cannot therefore be under a twofold difiinCl do·– minion, either God, or the wodd and devii will have the. choice and vigorous affetlio.ns ofthy foul. 6. Sincerit] Will not nbide the dominifmof k,_nownJin;~ecAn/"e they th.at haw it are unda the prormfe, ~n fl [fate of grace., whereby God.dothofcen vifit and af&tl: their fouls, t hat [bey may not be. overcome by their fpiritcall enemies: This bath Sampforu I i a - fir.ength . • 6.'_