Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

V[e. . ' / Of R.eignit~gor Ma~er Sinnes ~ hands offin:that finding the hitter bondage thereof,they may the better efieem of Gods f~rvice. Thus God did with the lfraelites, Deut. 28.48. They Who 'WoNld notferve God, foould be compelled uferve their enemies, in hunger and IM~edne({e and ""mifery; by thi> mea As they _ t'hould fee thegreat difference between Gods fervice and their adverfarics ~ Thus God will make thee with the Church to fay, I will rettmrtomy own hmband, for it WM better \\1ith me then now, Hofea I. Oh the joy and comfort that I had in obedi~nce to God, but·now am forced to feed on ~usks, while there is Manna in my Fathers houfe. · - •· 3· They are fu!fered to fall, that their recoflery i»IIJ more dt-, monftr,te the powir ana goodnejJe ofGod. To cure I rdapfc doth evidence the art ofthe Pl.:tyfician ; what rejoyc_ing is there in heaven at fuch acure? This o1Jr frm "Was dead but is alive, WM· loft, but ufound. Hereby alfo they can give real warning to all others to take heed by them: Take them for an example, lefi God make' thee an example :· This is to turn thee into a pillar of fait, that others may hear and fear, and rake heed - how they give way to thebeginnings of finneJ left that :tt lafi carry all away captive. V(e of InftrufJion, That all fuch, howgreat or erainent i~ profeffion foever, are to be arraigned for hypocrites, who_ live in the confiant committing of groffe fins : Thou who givefi fuch a lufi peaceable poffeffion over thee; whatfoc:vcr thy parts, thy abilities, thy humiliations have beeri, yfc thou arc rotteR in the bottom. David cannot thin!< himfolf •upright, till he bath call off the dominion of every prdumptuous finne. How thou Id this enter like atwo-edged fword 1mo the heart of many a man? Wilt thou pray, hear ? wilt thou reade the Scripture? be reputed of as godly, and ye~ give·way to fuch or fuch agroffefin, whether it be publique, or whether it be fecret, the Lord kf!OWetp ; and thy o~n con· fcience knoweth, therefore live no more in fuch guile and hypocrifie. The Prophets of old contcfied with fuch hypo:– crites that would abound in facrifices; f1equenc the Temple, yet live in whoredom~ coveteuufneffe, and idolatry : Oh confider, ifthe tr~afure of thy heart be any wbere but on · 9od,