ofthe ...AggrAvAtions of Sin. '249 God, though thou pray and come to the Church every Sa.b. bathday, thou art deceiving of thy felf. SE RMe XXX. Oj the J.gg~aJ?ationr of Sinn0. p S A L o 19.1 ~• LAnd I j]Mil be innocent (rpm the grtat tran(~rrf-. . . . jion. ' THis is p1rt ofthat benefic and great advlntage w? ich wit1. accrew eo David by dJlt ~wo-fold mercy he pra1eth for. which was remiffien o.f the guilt §f linoe, and prefe:vation againfi the power of. ic. . · I fo,d! be innocrnt fi'r;m the rMt tran{gYelfion J - Ey the gr('a t– tranfgre11ion [ome have unded1ood tlnc p:trricu!Hfinne, vit,, that aglinfl the holJ Ghofl, a<. if J),,.1.:idJ rneaoin~ were, That this mercy of God kerping him from rbe do'm:nton of (inne, ·would her~by alfo prderve him from that unp;JrJ.onlble {jn. The Septuagint tr:wOJte 'ir, ~1 ~~JPoM)~ .t.tU<J.PTI~, as if it were fome high and notorinus finne; as he is c:Illrd the Propher, which was fo in refpetl of excellency, above ot~i:rs. Buc eh~ Hebre.wword forgrea_t, doth f~metimes flgnifie thegn•atne/s ,of quality, and at other times thegreatmj[e ofqt~~tntitJ.There• :rore in,the margin you have much for gre;ft' anq we may well take in both here, I /hall bt i>~nocent from everygrMt tYan(gref· Jon, and frommulti,rJlyingmany tran{grejfions; for common– ly when a rp:m fa!s into one flnne, irs like cumbling down the ~hill, he C!noo~ ll~p, hnt falleth from one to ~mother, ril\ he come to thtvery bottom. As the ~pofil,c fpe~ks ofa chainof :. K k graces,