Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofthe ...AggrAvAtions of Sin. '249 God, though thou pray and come to the Church every Sa.b. bathday, thou art deceiving of thy felf. SE RMe XXX. Oj the J.gg~aJ?ationr of Sinn0. p S A L o 19.1 ~• LAnd I j]Mil be innocent (rpm the grtat tran(~rrf-. . . . jion. ' THis is p1rt ofthat benefic and great advlntage w? ich wit1. accrew eo David by dJlt ~wo-fold mercy he pra1eth for. which was remiffien o.f the guilt §f linoe, and prefe:vation againfi the power of. ic. . · I fo,d! be innocrnt fi'r;m the rMt tran{gYelfion J - Ey the gr('a t– tranfgre11ion [ome have unded1ood tlnc p:trricu!Hfinne, vit,, that aglinfl the holJ Ghofl, a<. if J),,.1.:idJ rneaoin~ were, That this mercy of God kerping him from rbe do'm:nton of (inne, ·would her~by alfo prderve him from that unp;JrJ.onlble {jn. The Septuagint tr:wOJte 'ir, ~1 ~~JPoM)~ .t.tU<J.PTI~, as if it were fome high and notorinus finne; as he is c:Illrd the Propher, which was fo in refpetl of excellency, above ot~i:rs. Buc eh~ Hebre.wword forgrea_t, doth f~metimes flgnifie thegn•atne/s ,of quality, and at other times thegreatmj[e ofqt~~tntitJ.There• :rore in,the margin you have much for gre;ft' anq we may well take in both here, I /hall bt i>~nocent from everygrMt tYan(gref· Jon, and frommulti,rJlyingmany tran{grejfions; for common– ly when a rp:m fa!s into one flnne, irs like cumbling down the ~hill, he C!noo~ ll~p, hnt falleth from one to ~mother, ril\ he come to thtvery bottom. As the ~pofil,c fpe~ks ofa chainof :. K k graces,