Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

. - of tlte t.Aggrttvat~~~~~ J,f Slnne~ 1. It cannbt he deHied, ~~~t that evenfrom little.finnu, its ·our aHtJ to be k..§pe inmcent' neither doth agod.IJ heart ufe to account an} f!nne little. We fee Paul greatly humble for the finfull mottonsand thoughts of his heart. DaVJid did but cut off i/,ehemmeof Sau!sgarment, tmdhuheartdid/mite him jBr it, - I Sam.24.6. He.t:.ekJah t~lfo humbledhimfelf fQr the pride of hu heart,2Chr.~1.16.Tbefe are {uch litcle motes,that the worlds th-roat would fwallow down withaut any pain,bot the godly cannot account any fin little, Nihil eft in hofte deJPiciendum, finne being Gods enemy and thy fouls enemy , nothing is to be contemned in it, as a little m~tter, to fay as Lot of that City, Is it not a little one? Mat, I 2.36. Of every idle Word 11 man foal!giveanaccount llt the day ofjudgement. Can that then be accounted little, for which aman mull give an account at the day of judgement, which could not be pardoned with· out the blond of Chrift, 'God and ~an ? There mull be 1 prize of infinite wor~h laid down to cleanfe it away. 3• Aswick$dmen1l{etoextennatetheir JinneJ, to mak! them little or none "'t a/!: fo thegoal] many timtJ through tendernef{e do ~tggravAt,e their fimus, -~tn.d look._upon them M too gretllt, they /ook,.thorowa mHltipl]ingglaf{e upon them. Thus the wicked and the godly are in two contrary difpofitions. The wicked man makes nothing ofall his great tranfgreffions, he thinks it a folly eo be troubled about them. Though he did fin, yet with Saul he bath this and that: ex£ufe to diminifh the guilt of it ; but thus do riot the godly. David in his peniten'tial Pfalms hideth nothing from God, fpe1ks the utmofl againR himfelf, yea fometimes tht! godly are too much caft dow1;1 about . · their fins, as we fee in the inceftuous perfon. Though the godly may Jook upon fqme finn.es as grea·t, yet they mu£l tak>e heed of Cains fpeech, to think They are greater then they can hear, greater then Gods great mercies, or Chrill:s great ~be- . dience: Oh let not the devil and thy own unbelief fo farre · feduce thee, as to make thee heighten thy own feus and fin5 beyond all due confiderations, Cui '/lbfolvitur, qui ftbi non eft . innocens? · - . ' , 4· We can h11rdly in an ~tb[o!Htefenfe fay, thu finne i&greAter tben another, lmt in 11 comparAtive and refpeff fenfe: So that K k' :1 fume : - -- I ' \ '