Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

oft~e c..-Aggra'l!AtiDns of Si11. tlpni whicH exceeds another in blnoufnefft>, from one ~ircumll ':lncc, rr.ay by the famo: Gone be <:xceeded in ano– ther refpecl. We fay, the linn::s again!l rhe fidl: Table, are greater then tbe finnes againfi the fecund Table, and yet in ~me circumfiaf.lcts fome finnes ag1infi the recond Table may be greater then fome againll the firfi: So that a Chritlian as diligently towc:igh everycircumfiance in confe-ffion and re. pcntanceabout finne. As f0mc rcfpetL· make fuch afinne very heavy, fo it may be other refpech do much take off from the burden of ic. ThThefe things premifed , let us confider from Y..;hence the e acrcrrava· ,('(', ,1' ji :r: h h fi · 1 tions 0 fiin. greatneJ 1 t o 1 a :nne may art 1 e, or w at are t o c parttcu a~s l. From the mat– ler of them. ) that make one fin greater then anQther, and fo may dcnomt• mte a man agreat finner. And · Firit, Man] fins ~tre .'{.relit from the m11ttW ~f them: Their very nature doth confi!l in agr~at deformity and contrariety· to all goodneffe. The Apofi!cdolh Rom.I. & 1 Tim.1.3 and in many other places make a large enumerationof fuch finncs. . Though every finne be a tranfgrcffion -of the Law, yet fome Cinncs do -it more notoriouOy then others; as_ every difcafe is aprivation of health, yet (ome do ins helplcffe manner de– pfiVe of healch more then others. _Thus fome Schoolmcn fa) 7 , _though a meer privationdo~h not _reciperemagu orminm, yet · r.1tione m:~teriali; becau(e of the fubjctl: or foundation of it, fo it may: as tpe difeafc mcerly in that it is privative, doth not r~ccive more or lclfe, bu,t becaufe of the matter of ir, which is humouri jn the overflowing ofthem, fo it d9th. So tHat if you W<;?Uid judge whether aman be agreater Cinner, confider the nature of the fins which he livetb i_n; Are they fucq as dogrojly .znd manififtly oppo[e ;~// honefty ~tnd piety ? Then this man hath nothing to hide, or cover himfdf wichall, he is un· d.er a-great tranigreffion, and fuch are the fins that are gene· rally committed every where, not you,r little petty ones, as the world deemeth them, but grear notorious ones; they are plague fares, not itch fpcts. The Apofiles Catalogue of -fins arc in all Towns, in all Families almofl committed : finne~ of prophane impiecy againll God,, of horrible injufiice againll m,a.n, du fill moft -place~, _thefe arecalled crying fins; ;that is an