Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

of tht .vltgrAvatiDnt 1/ Sl11. .. :in excellent u:prdJionwhieh the Scripture-gi.veth to fotnt finS. rath<,rthen others. Thus 6a/.4. 10. Ahels bloud critth, and: J11m.~·4· Theinjujl defrauding of rhe poor ~~~oHnr crieth to ' God. Ohwhat a dreadfull thigg is this 1' Jn many mens lives you f'hall hear !lo praicn, no ,tears, no ~rics, becaufe of their finne; bu"t thetr"finncs rhey cry, they tmportune aloud for jufiicea~d vengeance~ Thus in ftead of cry.ing praiers they have crymg fins. The greatneffe of a finne ts then moft re..i markable, when the nature of it is moft notorioufly contrary to what.is good. The Schoo!mcn do well call the greatneffe of finne, GravittU pecci!lti ,' a meta phor .from hcavie and weighty bodie,, whieh do incline and carry downwards; fo wnne prdfeth and weighcth down the foul rewards btU~ which was made to foar upwards and enjoy God. Hereupon they give u'sagoo.dditlindion ofatwofold weight of finne, the one is cffential, the other accid-ental ; Effemial is that which the very nuure of a finne cannot be without, but whenfoever that fin ne is committed, it carrieth a very great, hnvie weight with ir, fuch areperjHrJ, 61PfPhtmJ, adultery, murder, &c. Accidenta-l is that, which of it felf is not fo g~eat, but from other txtrinfccal r~fpetls, becomes to be moft heavie. Thus AdamJ Jinne in eating ef the forbidden fruit, is faid to be the heaviefl of all fins, not from the effencial naur-e· of it, but the accitfencal confidcrariofls about it, fuc~ as Ad11ms creation in Gods Image, and thereby having no femu pecc~tti, no feed of finne to enclioe him> as alfothc great hurt and damage which came to mankindeby ir,putting them both io a mortal and damnable tCtate. Th,e fffential weight and greatneffc of a finne muft alwaies be difiingu if'hed from the accidental. Secondly, Tranfgre{fions become greatfrom the DbjeCl againft ~hom tht,J are committed. Thus Cttteru paribm all fins imme· diately committed againfi God, are farre greater then thofe that are againft man, and fo againfi man, thofe fins that are againft his life, are greater then tl10fe that are againfi his we~lth or riches. This is very n(ceffary to confider, benufe that men make no matter of finnes llga\nfi God, efpecially if not puni1hableby the Laws of the Land wherc ·they lin,for K k 3 people : _, 2. From· thc:ob~· ject againft; whom they are , committed ~.