Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

-' 114 of.tht AggfAvationsof Sinne~ people docom~only judge of a fins greatne1feby thetempo~ tal danger they are in, and the ponilhmeni'they.- are obnoxio~s to by ~he Laws of the Land. Hence ifthey liYe in af' ' tion, where fome fins a.re made a Law, they m'ake no matter of them: The former Rsmam worfhippe4 God wit9out Idols or Images, be~nfe he was aSpirit, bot' the Jater with tbe_m: SGYJitbfom~an o,ath ~as holy a~d inviolable: Others t\.id not PlHli~ perjuri~s : The: ,Lacedemonians allo.,Wed of ar– tifiidal theft: The Lawsof the PerjiAtJs allowed the 'incefiu– ou~ marriages of mothers and daughters : J'he Laws of the Tribunesw,as to throw old decrepit men from .high moun~ tains, and Plato•s 'Lai,J{ wu to have women common. Tbu's where the Laws.ofaNation allow or command wickedndfe (though ind~ed fuch are not Laws, but corruptions and fins) · ther~in the common'people make no fcruple, they ,have .no · trouble; ·but this you muft know, when you would go eo finde out the greatne1fe of a finnc:, you mNfi not prefently . judge of it by the Laws ofaLand,for Magi(}rates many times regard the hurt of the Commonwe-alth, more then the d'if– ltonour of God. Thus perjury is not punifllc:d ~y death, when theft is, yet perjury is a farre more bainous finne, fo that we are not to regard the danger that the J;.aw of the · ..J..-and mayput us in, fo much as the danger that the word of God (peaks of. Now that is clear for thi~, Thofe fiooes that are immediately committed ,againft him, his· perfon, name and Majefiy, or Ordinances, t-hey are far grearer then oth~r fins againft men, becaufc: theobjetl: is itJfinitely' more excel– lent then any man : So tha·t as an offence doge to · a man of • honour, is greater then [0 a poor peafant, fo any offence againft God, cloathed with fuch Divine Majefiy, and whofe Glory is to be prefc:rved though in the defirudion of the whole wotld, mull needs be greater then any againfi mortal · man, 1 Sam.2.2'j. {foncrnanjin-ne.alJainflanather, .the Judge fo~r/1 jndge him, bu~ if'~t man Jinne ~g~ti')(Jft t~e Lord, 'Wbo jbalt intrMt fer him? Eli's fons did finnc: againtl: the Lord~ becaufe they offended agamfi his worfllip, and pol'luted ·ilie Ordi- . nances by grofi prophanenelfe, who can iatreat for fucb? fait~ .Eii! ~eceyou fee fim immcd~tely . ~pm~it~ed ag~~: