Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

o/1ht'Aggr4'Uttt~tif sinne; :as1 : · Oodor 'his-name, worfhip, are very hardly par.doned. Her~ce David, Pf1l.51· inthofefinnesof murder and · adultery, was. motl troubled becaufc God was offcnd~d by them, A,gt~~infl t!Jce ;,. thee only have I finned, and done evil in thyfight. 1Did he. ~~t gri;evoufly finn~ agai.n~Vriah, fi~fi wrong4ng~·n'l in his wtfe, and then takurg hts ltfe from htm? Yes cerca·mty, but that ~h-icb did mofi flick upon hir.n, and inwardly wouQd hi~ was Gods difpLeafure. Thtis M atth. 18. 24. our 'fin.nn agamft God are cornpared toTalents, but out finnes agamlt man to Pmmds: Oh then that the people of thi5 age wou ld· confider that the greatneffe ofa fin~ iict h in the immediate offence of it to God ! TbereforeA1.11 fing :md {; earing, and. blafpheming are grievous finnes, h~refi~s and damnable do· a~ines, denying the Deity of Chrifr., t he Authority of the· Sqiptures; as alfo the concemning of the Sabbaths, the Minifhy and Ordinances; all [hefe are great tranfgreffions, becaufe they do more immediately refleCl: on God or that which> direCl:ly relattth to him, then other finnes do: Oh confider, thou thatart a curfer and a fwearer, or an heretick,. or a proph~,nerof Gods day and,his Ordinances, thou art l.a great . ari~ grievous·fitJJ.4ler, .look upon. thy felffo,and let th] repentance and humiliation be as grut 1 ' ' ~ Thirdly, The greatneJJe oft~~ finne dotharife acc(J.rding to the ;. ligbt mgre w leJJe tb.tt We have to difcern them t'ohe Jinnes. The From the light more eafily, even without any teaching or much inftitution againil which. we can know a finne to be fo, and yet commit!lit, .inu:bat th~y are _corn-:: refpetl we make our tr~nfgreffion a great tranfgreffion. ·The: mmed. rape committedby the Benjamites u-pen the Levites Wife,Judg.. zo. is m1de an afionifhing fil)ne, the likewas never heard of. And the inctfluompeYfo ncQminitted fuch a finne M WaJ not to be name~ 4_mor;.~ft .tke Heathe"!t , ~i.!Wwhy. were thefe fo ~ gre~tfinq becattfe th~e _natu ral~tght n1graffed mevery mans cor.fq• cnce doth condemn fucb waies. Thus the A'pofile Rom.r.doth fpeak of unnatural jimus, yet the wor ld is fu ll of fuc.h fi ns u are condemned by tbe light of natu re"' rhieving,lying,unjuft buy ing and fell ing, ad11 rery and fornication; Thefeare con• ·d@mnedby tb~t natural·c()nfcieqrc wito in a, wan; You nt!f i no Preacher ,_ oo Bible to convi nce thee of this," yet bow .. · · drio,. ' ~