Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

·srl of tbt t..Aggr&vdtl11u ~t sin. difobedient are men to t~is un'lueflionable light? Thus chit. drens difobedience to their parents, contemning them in their old age, or not honouring of them with due maintehan,ce, is an unn~turallinne ; For the husband to fp.cnd his dhte in drink and upon whores, whil~ his wife and children are in great ext'remity ; The Apofilc cats fu~h a man Vvorfe then lln Infidd, its an unnatural finne, 1 Tim.s.s . It would be too large to intl:ance in all the kil'lds of unnatural fins, there u:e fins calledbrutaptccata beaflly and lull:fol fins not to be na. med ; y~t oh that fuch finnes which the Heathens would abhorre, were not pracHfed and delighted in by Chri- . mans! Thus for naturd light, fo the more fpiricuallight we have: The more the Sunne of the Gofpcl dath arif~ in our Horizon, – difcovering any one finne more then another, if y~t we do it, we linne thegrueter trr~~nfgrrffion : What is the reafon that unbelief is fo great afinne, the damning finne, and faith on · the contrary, whether in the atl:s of knowledge, affect, or fiducial application 1 are fuch great duties above all others, bat becaufe the Gofpel-light doth infiruCl: us herein? If thou art affeCted with the weight of thy finne, and doefi not ,belieye - on Chrifi for pardon, This unbelitf i' thy gre.ac fin ; as -Au· _ gu.ftine faid of 1udru, '1'cjm de ptccato pcenitttit, quam ptrctt• vit, his unbelieving trouble and forrow for his fin was work then his finnc: why then cometh it about, that as honey though honey, yet is very croublef()me w a fore wound, fo · thefe precious truths of the Gofpel, like fo m11ch honey fuould y.et create even doubts and troubles in thee? Some · have not been afraid to fay, that: no finr:~e damneth but unbe· lief; their meaning is, its not any finriecommicted, if rt'pm· ted of, could damn thee, if thou by faith didll relie on Chrift: Oh know that unbelicf in Go~.,el~lighc,and where Scripture· revelation is, is the great Whale-finne, as it \Vere devouring thy foul, and making Cbri-tl: wholly inetfetl:ual and unprofi– table; As ifa patiendhould rake that potion, he knoweth would prefendy cure him, and fpill it on the ground: I flnll only-name a fourth puticuhr at this rime, which aggravates a!inne, m1kiog of it grc.at, and that is, Theworfe 11 man1