Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

' iSS of the Aggravations of Sinnt. or t0 flight leffr fimne!t-, feeing they are a~ainft agr~at God and the hell theydeferve is not a li~tle. bell ; yet ~his dotl:riR; doth awaken great finners, of wh1ch aUplaces are fuiJ tha_t ~heir repentance and humiliadon be likewife great. A're thy finnes crying fi.nnes? Oh be fref1uent incrying prayers: All that the wicked man doth, is to excufe his finne,' to make it fo little, th-at thfy may not feem great; but wl1en once thy _confcience ihall be awakene·d,dltm nothing willrppeargreat· er then thy finne to tflee, ThenCaincriech, its greattr thm he ca,n hear: great fi nnes mufi have gr.eat forrow and great re– forma tion, fuch aCamell as thou art, cana not go through a needle, till thy buRch be taken otf. Cry for gr~at mercy) fay ·0 Lord, d1eymufl be great mercifs that mufi cover thefe great fiRnes. sE. R M. XXXI. ,e::N1ore Aggra11ations .of Sinne-. ' I p s A· L •. 19. 13. 1 .And I foal! 6e innocellt f~m the greAt tran[grtjtitm. I T remaineth that we deliver unto you further particofars, fromwhence the greamelfe of a finne dotb arife: And 5• • Firft, The grc>iter mercies and favours We h~tve hndfrfJm God, Fr0!11 ~erCles the more kjndene.JTe "'e have received frem him, the greater u our !!~~!!~ · tranfgrej]ionWhen We do offend him. Ingratitude doth greatly · 1 aggravate finn~ towards God, as it doth alfo amongft men; .Therefore UnthamkfnlnefTe is in the blackbook of thofedrf– mall finnes P a~I enumerates, .Rom. r. See this notably in 1o~ [eph~ when follicited to l~aft by his Mifirdfe, Ge-n. 39:9. he aggravateth all the kindenetfc and honours he had received . · ·-·· ·· from -