Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

of the Aggr4vati011s of Sifine~ · from Potiphar, My Mafter (faith he ) hath committetl all things'' me, There u nDnegreater ;n the htJufe then I, neithe:t" hathbe kJptanrthing fromme (ave his Wife, How then can I do thi4great Wick!dneUe ltnd forme againfl God .? He ca ls it a grea.t wickednc1fe becaufe it was accompanied with fuch untha.nk– fulneffe tO p6tiphar; Hence it comes about that all the wnnes of Chriil:ians ·are greater in this refpeCl: then.any heathens fins,bruufe you have received more love from God,hc bath done more for you then for them : Therefore there is greate_r wickedne1fe and rebellion in your finnes, Mttt. I 1·23· <J:'hou CApcrnaum tht-tt art lifted up to heaven, /halt be thrown down U h~il : Thofe that were exalted above others by the means of grace, and externall difpenfations ofGods leve,fhould be de– bafed below others-: Hence alfo fuch as beleeve not or are ' .eformc:dby the Word of life, they a_re made to be worfe {inners, and in .a more drea.dfull efiate, then thofe of Sodom and flomorrah; This then is a tr:~ae faying, and worthy of all your attention, The more love, th~ more fpirituall difpenfa• tions you live und~-r, the QlOre btoudy are your finnes : you that enjoy the Gofpcl of Chrift, ' your Oaths, and dnmken.. nelfe, your lufts, and unrighceoufnetfe, are farre greater fins then thofe of the Heathens ; you are wecdi in .a garden, you are ground ploughed and fowed, and yet are 1s barren as a wilderneffe; Oh that the great God would convince yo{l of £he truth, Thou aCbriflian, thou aprofdfor ofthy fait& in the Gofpel, and yet agroffe !loner; All thy finnes are as red as fcarlet: Therds r. his conde-mnation upon them, that . thou fl:umbldl in t b ~ light; In the midit of all Gods grace thou reuineJl thy beaHl y pleafnres ; .il-iofes and t he Pro· phets were fo afion ifh(d at fu~h ingratitude and rebellion in the l[rAelit es, that they cry out to the heavens and the earth to take notice of it. Oh belove~ There is an aftonifh– ing and amazigg c·oafideration to be had of all prophane wickedndfe by thofe who live under the Gofpel : When _ we-feea. groffe fin we fhould lift up our hands to heaven as a.t fome amn.ing wonder; O,h aeavens, 0 earth, fuch a maA do thefe things, and yet know the Scriptures, live where the Gofpel is pr-eached ! Da71idaggravated rhe injuries he rccei· L1 z ved ·.